V Meeting of the SEM Teaching+Dissemination Group

On July 14 and 15, 2022, the V Meeting of the SEM Teaching+Dissemination Group will be held in Madrid. The first day will be devoted to communication and the second, to the Microbiology curriculum at various educational levels. We will have round tables, workshops and conferences, including the participation of Kenneth Timmis, who leads initiatives to implement Microbiology content at a European level. The congress is aimed both at researchers interested in improving the communication of their science, as well as at university or pre-university teachers who are curious about innovation, or at students interested in Microbiology. Communications on these topics are admitted in the form of a poster, an opportunity for students or teachers involved in innovative communication strategies, such as those carried out in the red MicroMundo or similar initiatives. The conference on the dissemination of Microbiology on the 14th will be joined by some very special guests: the students of the J.R. Villanueva, which will be held at the National Museum of Natural Sciences during the previous days.
It is now available congress website, with the dates and the definitive program:
- May 16: registration opening and submission of abstracts
- June 17: end of submission of abstracts
- July 8: end of registration at the congress
The venue for the course will be the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the students on the course will stay in the historic Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid (in the central headquarters of the CSIC). The costs of full maintenance, registration and stay of the selected students will be covered by the organization.
Thursday, July 14, 2022: science communication
9:30. Inauguration: Antonio Ventosa, President SEM
10:00-11:30. Workshop 1. Communication of science to scientists. Moderator: Immaculate Flames
12:00-13:00. Workshop 2. Communication of science to funding agencies. Moderator: Oscar Zaragoza
14:30-16:00. Round table 1. Communication of science to society. Moderator: Malema Martínez Cañamero
16:00-17:30. round table 2. Contribution of microbiology to the objectives of Sustainable Development. Moderator: Asunción de los Ríos
5:30 p.m. Assembly of the Specialized Group and Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology
18:30-20:00. Beer Poster Session
Friday, July 15, 2022: Microbiology Teaching
9:30-10:30. Round table 3. Microbiology in the higher education curriculum. Moderator: Kika Colom
11:00-12:30. Round table 4. Microbiology in the Secondary/High School curriculum. Moderator: Pilar Calvo
12:30-13:30. Round table 5. Active teaching strategies: Citizen science and Service-Learning. Moderators: Víctor J. Cid and Mª José Valderrama
16:30. Plenary Session: Kenneth Timmis: The Microbiology Curriculum in Education
17: 30-19:00. Oral presentations and practical workshops
19:00. Closing and awards ceremony