The Group specialized in Food Microbiology has more than 300 partners, and its topics of interest are all aspects of a scientific, methodological, regulatory, academic, even commercial or labor nature, related to food, in which its objective is related to pathogenic or toxigenic microorganisms, altering, useful due to their technological or health potential. These topics include:
- The count, isolation and identification of microorganisms.
- The determination of the pathogenic potential.
- The effects that derive from its presence in food.
- Control of undesirable microorganisms.
- The evaluation and selection of activities of technological interest.
- Process design and microbiological standards.
- Relations with public health, food technology, the environment or other related fields.
The Board of Directors of the Food Microbiology Group of the SEM is made up of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and five members

Members of the Food Microbiology group
Surnames | Name | Organism |
Abbot Lozano | Jose Luis | Medimar Hospital Internacional |
Acute Bonsfills | Montserrat | Ramon Llull University |
Aiguadé Ballús | Conception | Cobac, S. A. |
Base point Gutierrez | Cristina | Generalitat Valenciana - Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health |
Alegria Gonzalez | Angel | CSIC / IPLA |
Allende Prieto | Ana | CSIC |
Alonso Calleja placeholder image | Carlos | University of Leon |
Alonso hernando | Alicia | University of Leon |
Alvarez Lanzarote | Ignacio | Zaragoza's University |
Alvarez Ordoñez | Avelino | University of Leon |
Amejeiras Rodriguez | Rosa | Nutreco |
Andrade Grace | Maria Jesus | University of Extremadura |
Antunez Horcajo | Ricardo | AGL Laboratory |
Aranda Houses | Ramón J. | Ceranal - Industrial Analysis |
Arqués Orobón | Juan L. | SGIT |
Arzubialde Cilleruelo | Mikel | Itsas Natura, S. L. |
Asensio Perez | Miguel Angel | University of Extremadura |
Australia Redin | Leire | Zaragoza's University |
Avila Arribas | Martha | National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) |
Ballester Fruits | Anne Rose | Superior Council of Scientific Investigations |
Balmaseda Rubina | Aitor | Rovira i Virgili University |
Bances González | Margarita | Public Health Laboratory |
Arjona Baths | Alberto | DMC Research Center |
Bañuelos Bernabé | Mª Antonia | Polytechnic University of Madrid |
Barbes Miguel | Covadonga | Oviedo University |
Barros Velázquez | Jorge | University of Santiago |
Galician Baptist | Joaquin | University of Extremadura |
Belda Aguilar | Ignacio | Complutense University of Madrid |
Beltrán Casellas | Gemma | Rovira i Virgili University |
Berbegal De Gracia | Carmen | University of Valencia |
Berdejo Martinez | Daniel | Zaragoza's University |
Bermúdez Polo | Mª Elena | University of Extremadura |
Blanch Gisbert | Anicet | University of Barcelona |
Picazo White | Pedro | Barcelona University |
Bocero Baena | Josefa | Castellana Ganaderos Cooperative |
Bordons De Porrata-Doria | Albert | Rovira i Virgili University |
Bosch Navarro | Albert | University of Barcelona |
Grade Bottle | Mr. Hi | polytechnic university of Valencia |
Death Bottle | Laura | Instituto Univ. Invest. Mixed Agrifood Aragón (IA2) - University of Zaragoza |
Bover Cid | Sara | WRITTEN BY |
Briales Head | Mª Conception | Complutense University of Madrid |
Eyes brokers | Mª del Pilar | Santiago de Compostela University |
Calvete de la Torre | Agnes | CSIC- IPLA |
Calvo Torras | Angels | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Caminero Fernandez | Alberto | McMaster University |
Moreno Field | Rosa Mª del | Insalud |
Cano Lira | Jose Francisco | Rovira i Virgili University |
Capellas Puig | Martha | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Capita González | Rosa MOM | University of Leon |
Raven Carbal | Serafín | UCM |
Carballo García | Fco. Javier | University of Vigo |
Carceller Rosa | Jose Miguel | S.A. DAMM |
Machicated Case | Jose Luis | Oviedo University |
Barahona Castle | Luis | La Serena University |
Castro Fernandez | F. Javier | Regional Public Health Laboratory |
Martin Cavero | Mario | Government of Spain |
Ceballos Rivero | Ana Cristina | Nestle, A. E. P. A |
Cebrián Auré | Guillermo | Zaragoza's University |
Cebrián Sastre | Esmeralda | Superior Council of Scientific Investigations |
Centeno Domínguez | Juan Antonio | University of Vigo |
Chordi Corbo | Andrés | University of Salamanca |
Cobo Mills | Antonio | Jaen University |
Abanto condom | Santiago | Research Center |
Condom Usón | Santiago | Zaragoza's University |
Cordoba Ramos | Juan jose | University of Extremadura |
Cortés Sanchís | My Amparo | |
Cruz Contreras | Hilario of the | LABS Technological Services AGQ, S.L. |
Sanchez Cave | Carolina | CSIC-UAM |
D'arrigo Huapaya | Matilde Honorina | INIA |
By Alba Ortega | Mary | Teagasc Food Research Centre |
By Toro Hernando | Mary | Rioja Health Foundation |
Delgado Perón | Josué | University of Extremadura |
Diaz De Tuesta Garcia | Juan Angel | Madrid's community |
Ten Galán | Alba | University of Leon |
Díez Leturia | Mary | university of Navarra |
Dominguez Ruiz | Gabriela | University of Alcala de Henares |
Dueñas Disappointed | Mª Teresa | University of the Basque Country |
Elizaquivel Bárcenas | Patricia | University of Valencia |
Esteban Cabornero | Óscar J. | Grupo Entrepinares, SLU |
Esteban Torres | Maria del Mar | CSIC |
Fabregas Fernandez | Antonia | Sabadell City Council |
Fernandez Alvarez | Manuela | Complutense University of Madrid |
Fernandez Alvarez | Leonides | Complutense University of Madrid |
Fernandez Astorga | Aurora | Basque Country University |
Fernandez Escámez | Pablo | Polytechnic University of Cartagena |
Fernandez Hospital | Xavier | Complutense University of Madrid |
Fernandez Lopez | Raul | University of cantabria |
Ferrús Pérez | Maria Antonia | Valencia Polytechnic University |
Flórez Garcia | Ana Belén | CSIC |
Florido Güemes | Salvador | Municipal Environmental Service Lab |
Fonseca Balvis | Sonia | University of Vigo |
Gadea Fernandez | Rebeca | Malaga University |
Galician Brogeras | Luis Mª | Analyzes Quality Control, S. L. |
Gálvez Del Postigo Ruiz | Antonio | Jaen University |
García Armesto | Mª Rosario | University of Leon |
García De Fernando Minguillón | Gonzalo | Complutense University of Madrid |
García Fontán | Camino | Meat Technology Center Foundation |
Garcia Gimeno | Rosa Maria | University of Cordoba |
Garcia Gonzalo | Diego | Zaragoza's University |
Garcia Rios | Stephania | Carlos III Health Institute |
Garcia Sanchez | Rosa | RESEARCH CENTER |
Guard López-Brea | Sonia | National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology |
Garre | Alberto | Polytechnic University of Cartagena |
Garrido Maestu | Alejandro | International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory |
Garriga Turón | Margarita | WRITTEN BY |
Gaya Sicily | Pilar | INIA |
Gayán Ordás | Elisa | Zaragoza's University |
Gómez Limia | Lucy | University of Vigo |
Gomez Torres | Natalia | Complutense University of Madrid |
Gonzalez Candelas | Luis | Higher Council of Investigations One Hundred |
González Fandos | Mª Elena | University of La Rioja |
Gonzalez Garcia | Ramon | CSIC-UR.-CAR |
Gonzalez Machado | Maria del Camino | University of Leon |
Big Burgos | Maria Jose | Jaen University |
Guillamón Navarro | Jose Manuel | CSIC |
Guillén Morer | Silvia | Zaragoza's University |
Gutierrez Fernandez | Diana | Faculty of Bioscience Engineering |
Gutierrez Manjon-Head | Fco. Javier | Tcal Laboratory |
Hernandez Haba | Javier | polytechnic university of Valencia |
Hernandez Perez | Martha | Castilla y León Agricultural Technological Institute |
Hernandez Perez | Manuel | Polytechnic University |
Hernansanz Ruiz Galvez | M.Angeles | AENOR Laboratory |
Herrera Marteache | Antonio | Zaragoza's University |
Hidalgo Togores | Pilar | Madrid's community |
Iron Vega | Fernando del | Foreign Health Laboratory |
Hugas Maurici | Martha | WRITTEN BY |
Left Isern | Joan | |
Jimenez Diaz | Rufino | CSIC |
Jimenez Quintana | Esther | Complutense University of Madrid |
Jofre I Fradera | Anna | WRITTEN BY |
Lamas Freire | Alexandre | Santiago de Compostela University |
Langa Marcano | Susana | National Institute of Research and Tea |
Ledesma-Amaro | Rodrigo | INRA |
Lestón Cambeiro | Light | University of Santiado de Compostela |
Lloret Mengual | Clara | University of Valencia |
Loin | Beatriz | Kraft Jacobs Suchard Iberia, S. A. |
Lopez Amorós | Luisa | Alicontrol, S. A. |
Lopez Caballero | Mª Elvira | CSIC |
Lopez Diaz | Teresa Maria | University of Leon |
Lopez Enriquez | Lorraine | ITACYL |
Lopez Ferreras | ADELE | Lab. S. T. Health and Social Welfare |
Lopez Velez | Manuel | Anaqua - Analysis Laboratory |
López-Molina Cantera | Nuria | Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council |
Lucas Lopez | Mª Rosario | Jaen University |
Lupiola Gomez | Pablo A. | Las Palmas G.C. University |
Maldonado Vilela | Santiago Ramon | ACCA Laboratory |
Mañas Pérez | Mª Pilar | Zaragoza's University |
Maqueda Abreu | Mercedes | University of Granada |
Margolles Barros | Abelardo | CSIC |
Mari Tur | Miguel | Laboratory DR. SEA, S.L. |
Marinated Font | Abel | University of Barcelona |
Marti serrano | Elisabet | Agroscope |
Martin Quijada | Narciso | University of Vienna |
Martin Rodriguez | Alberto Jonatan | University of La Laguna |
Martin Rosique | Rebeca | Oviedo University |
Martinez Ballesteros | Ilargi | UPV-EHU |
Martinez Good | Manuel | University of Granada |
Martinez Canamero | Magdalena | Jaen University |
Martinez Fernandez | Beatriz | CSIC |
Martinez Gallego | Sara | |
Martinez Peinado | José | Complutense University of Madrid |
Martínez Planells | Mary Assumption | Government of Catalonia |
Martinez Rodriguez | Adolfo | CSIC |
Mas Baron | Alberto | Rovira i Virgili University |
More Pons | Jose Antonio | |
Mateo Tolosa | Jose Juan | University of Valencia |
May Perez | Baltasar | CSIC |
Mazarro Ruiz de Martín-Esteban | Jesus Alberto | University of Granada |
Medina Fdez-Regatillo | Margarita | INIA |
Melo Possas | Arícia Mara | University of Cordoba |
Molina Ponferrada | Elena | ESNECA BUSINESS SCHOOL |
Miguel Miller | Mª Eugenia | Basque government |
Boado purse | Miriam | Laboratorio Dr. Oliver Rodes, S.A. |
Garcia purse | Vicente | CSIC |
Montero Ordonez | Ignacio | Oviedo University |
Montes Estelles | Rosa MOM | polytechnic university of Valencia |
Montiel Moreno | Raquel | INIA |
Monzó Martos | Pascal | Productos Florida, S. A. |
Mora Ventura | Mª Teresa | Autonomous University Barcelona |
Morcillo Parra | Mary of the Angels | Rovira i Virgili University |
Moreno Arribas | Maria Victoria | CSIC-UAM |
Moreno Garcia | Benito | University of Leon |
Mourelle Estébanez | Martha | MICRAL, Analisis Alimentarios, S.L. |
Muniesa Perez | Mª Teresa | University of Barcelona |
Nacher Vazquez | Montserrat | CSIC |
Nadal Calvo | Laura | Zaragoza's University |
Navascués López-Cordón | Eva | Pago de Carraovejas Winery |
Nuñez Breña | Felix | University of Extremadura |
Ordonez Pereda | Juan Antonio | Complutense University of Madrid |
Orive Camprubi | Martha | San Miguel - Beer Factory |
Otero Carballeira | Andrés | University of Leon |
Pagan Albertos | Elisa | Zaragoza's University |
Pagán Tomas | Rafael | Zaragoza's University |
Palacios González | Isabel Maria | Chemir, S. A. |
Palop gomez | Alfredo | Polytechnic University Cartagena |
Pardo Cubillos | My Isabel | University of Valencia |
Patiño Alvarez | Belen | Complutense University of Madrid |
Pelaez Martinez | Carmen | CSIC |
Perez Arnedo | Iratxe | UVE, S.A. |
Perez Etayo | Lara | university of Navarra |
Pérez Martínez | Gaspar | CSIC |
Perez Pulido | Ruben | Jaen University |
Pertegás Ruiz | Vicente | Public Health Laboratory |
Picón Galvez | Antonia Mª | INIA |
Pina Perez | Maria Consuelo | University of Valencia |
Portillo Stew | Maria del Carmen | Rovira i Virgili University |
Brown Meadow | Natalia | ASINCAR |
Prieto Maradona | Miguel | University of Leon |
Querol Simón | Protection | CSIC |
Ramon Vidal | Daniel | Biopolis, S. L. |
Ramos Girona | Antonio Javier | University of Lleida |
Ramos Wardrobe | Sandra | Dietas Sport, S.L. |
Raso Pueyo | Javier | Zaragoza's University |
Reguant Miranda | Cristina | Rovira i Virgili University |
Requena Rolanía | Teresa | CSIC |
Ribes Lorda | Ana Mª | General Council of Aragon |
Rico Vidal | Hortensia | University of Valencia |
Rius Bofill | Nuria | Barcelona University |
Roces Rodriguez | Clara | Ministry of Education of the Principality of Asturias |
Rodrigo torres | Lidia | University of Valencia |
Rodriguez Alonso | Alvaro | University of Vigo |
Rodriguez Gonzalez | Ana | CSIC |
Rodriguez Herrera | Juan jose | CSIC |
Rodriguez Jerez | Jose Juan | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Rodriguez Jimenez | Alicia | University of Extremadura |
Rodriguez Jovita | Mar | University of Extremadura |
Rodriguez Lazaro | David | Burgos University |
Rodriguez Melcon | Cristina | University of Leon |
Rodríguez Mínguez | Eva | INIA |
Rodriguez Rubio | Lorraine | Barcelona University |
Rosa Jorge | Carmen de la | Complutense University of Madrid |
Rozas To | Mª Pilar | D. T. Social Welfare |
Aller Street | Javier | University of Leon |
Madiedo streets | Patricia | Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) |
Ruiz Arahal | David | University of Valencia |
Ruiz Artiga | Virginia | Zaragoza University |
Ruiz Ruiz | Javier | Complutense University of Madrid |
Ruiz-Moyano Seco De Herrera | Santiago | University of Extremadura |
Sacristán Pérez-Minayo | Gonzalo | Burgos University |
Saez Vicente-Almazán | Beatriz | Municipal Laboratory |
Tuesday room | Núria | University of Lleida |
Salazar garzo | Nuria | Superior Council of Scientific Investigations |
San Juan Velazquez | Esther | University of Las Palmas G. C. |
Sanchez Hernandez | Fco. Javier | Public Health Lab |
Sánchez Moragas | Gloria | CSIC |
Sanchez Moreno | Mª Paz | City of Madrid |
Sanchis Almenar | Vicente | University of Lleida |
Santos Buelga | Jesus Angel | University of Leon |
Sanz Carmona | Francisco | Sedesa Pest Control, S. L. |
Serrano Esteban | Maria Loreto | DAGU, S. A. |
Suarez Benjumea | Alicia | Aguas del Huesna, S. L. |
Suarez Fernandez | Juan Evaristo | Oviedo University |
Suarez Lepe | Jose Antonio | Polytechnic University of Madrid |
All Moncho | Victoria | Municipal Laboratory |
Tomas Fornes | David | MERCK |
Torija Martínez | Mª Jesus | Rovira i Virgili University |
Tornadijo Rodríguez | Mª Eugenia | University of Leon |
Hernandez Tower | Paloma | Navarra Public University |
Torres Manrique | Carmen | University of La Rioja |
Torres Sánchez | Alfonso | University of Granada |
Valdivia Martinez | Eva | University of Granada |
Valera Martinez | Maria Jose | University of the Republic Uruguay |
Valero Diaz | Antonio | University of Cordoba |
Vazquez Merchán | Almudena | University of Extremadura |
Velazquez Molinero | Dew | University of Extremadura |
Ventura Ferrero | Jose Maria | Laboratorio Ordesa, S. L. |
Vicente Sanchez | Javier | Complutense University of Madrid |
Viñas Almenar | Mª Immaculate | University of Lleida |
Vitas Peman | Ana Isabel | university of Navarra |
Wrent | Petra | Complutense University of Madrid |
Yuste Puigvert | Josep | Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Zabala Arriaga | Nieves | Biotalde Laboratories |
Zarate machado | Mª Victoria | University of La Laguna |
Meetings of the Food Microbiology Group
The Food Group holds an assembly of members every year, coinciding in the even years with the Food Group Congress and the odd years with the General Congress of the Spanish Society of Microbiology.
: “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar.
XXIV National Congress of Food Microbiology (2026). Oviedo. XXX National Congress of Microbiology SEM (2025). Jaen.
Congresses held
XXIII National Congress of Food Microbiology (September 9 to 12, 2024). Cartagena. XXIX National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Burgos, June 25-28, 2023) XXII National Congress of Food Microbiology (September 12 to 15, 2022). Jaen. ABSTRACT BOOK and COMMUNICATIONS BOOK.
XVIII National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Madrid, June 28 - July 2, 2021) XXII National Congress of Food Microbiology(2020 - APLAZADO). Reunión virtual (22 septiembre 2020) XXVII National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Malaga, 2-5 July 2019) XXI National Congress of Food Microbiology (Tarragona, September 17-20, 2018). ABSTRACT BOOK. XXVI National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Valencia, July 9-13, 2017) XX Congress of Food Microbiology (León, September 14-16, 2016) XXV National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Logroño, July 7-10, 2015) XIX Congress of Food Microbiology (Zaragoza, September 24-26, 2014). ABSTRACT BOOK. XXIV National Congress of Microbiology SEM (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, July 10-13, 2013) XVIII Congress of Food Microbiology (Logroño, September 25-28, 2012) XXIII National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Salamanca, July 11-14, 2011) XVII Congress of Food Microbiology (Valladolid, September 19-22, 2010). ABSTRACT BOOK. XXII National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Almería, September 21-24, 2009) XVI Congress of Food Microbiology (Córdoba, September 14-17, 2008). ABSTRACT BOOK. XXI National Congress of Microbiology SEM (Seville, September 17-20, 2007) XV Congress of Food Microbiology (Ourense, September 2006). ABSTRACT BOOK. XX National Congress of Microbiology SEM2005 (Cáceres, September 19-22, 2005) XIV Congress of Food Microbiology (Girona, September 19-22, 2004). ABSTRACT BOOK. XIX National Congress of Microbiology (Santiago de Compostela, September 21-25, 2003) XIII Congress of Food Microbiology (Bilbao, September 17-19, 2002) XVIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (Alicante, September 16-20, 2001 XII Congress of Food Microbiology (Oviedo, September 18-20, 2000)
Awards for the best thesis and for the young researcher of the Food Microbiology Group. 2024. Resolution.
Resolution of 2024 Food Microbiology Group Special Award for Young Researchers: Awarded to the researcher Alberto Garre Pérez (Polytechnic University of Cartagena).
Resolution of the Award for the best Doctoral Thesis 2022 in Food Microbiology: granted equally a Cristina Rodríguez Melcón por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Caracterización y control de la resistencia a antimicrobianos y de los biofilms en bacterias patógenas de interés en la Industria Alimentaria: hacia el enfoque Una Salud" (Universidad de León) y a Silvia Guillén Morer por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Estudio de las relaciones entre resistencia al estrés, capacidad de crecimiento y virulencia en el género Salmonella" (Universidad de Zaragoza).
Conferences given
25/11/21. "Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermenta el mosto de uva; y otras noticias recientes" por Dr. Ramón González García, conferencia del grupo Microbiología Alimentos, SEM
Lecture by Dr. Ramón González García (Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences. CSIC) moderated by Dr. José Manuel Guillamón Navarro (IATA-CSIC), organized by the Food Microbiology Group of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM) . Press HERE to access the conference.
22/09/20. "Microbiota y COVID" por Dr. Juan Miguel Rodríguez, conferencia del grupo Microbiología Alimentos, SEM
Conference by Dr. Juan Miguel Rodríguez (Univ. Complutense de Madrid) on Microbiota and COVID, moderated by Dr. Evaristo Suárez (Univ. Oviedo), organized by the Food Microbiology Group of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM). Press HERE to access the conference.
Awards given by the group
Special Award from the Food Microbiology Group for Young Researchers:
- 2010 Edition: Jose Miguel Soriano del Castillo (University of Valencia).
- 2012 Edition: Martha Hernandez Perez (Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León).
- 2014 Edition: Ignacio Alvarez Lanzarote (Zaragoza's University).
- 2016 Edition: Avelino Álvarez Ordóñez (University of León).
- 2018 Edition: Antonio Valero Diaz (University of Córdoba).
- 2020 Edition: Joaquín Bautista Gallego (University of Extremadura).
- 2022 Edition: (equally) Elisa Gayán Ordás (University of Zaragoza) and Ignacio Belda Aguilar (Complutense University of Madrid).
- 2024 Edition: Alberto Garre Pérez (Polytechnic University of Cartagena).
Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Food Microbiology:
- 2020 Edition: Martha Selma Royo, por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Impact of perinatal factors on the maternal–neonatal microbiota and influence on health outcomes" (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia / IATA-CSIC). LINK
- 2021 Edition (equally): Daniel Berdejo Martínez, por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Aislamiento y caracterización de variantes genéticas bacterianas resistentes como herramienta de estudio para la mejora de la conservación de alimentos" (Universidad de Zaragoza) LINK; already Irene Falcó Ferrando, por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Characterization of antiviral activity of green tea extract and applications for improving food safety" (IATA-CSIC). LINK
- 2022 Edition (equally): Cristina Rodríguez Melcón, por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Caracterización y control de la resistencia a antimicrobianos y de los biofilms en bacterias patógenas de interés en la Industria Alimentaria: hacia el enfoque Una Salud" (Universidad de León) LINK; already Silvia Guillén Morer, por su Tesis Doctoral titulada "Estudio de las relaciones entre resistencia al estrés, capacidad de crecimiento y virulencia en el género Salmonella" (Universidad de Zaragoza). LINK
Oxoid / Fisher Research Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Food Microbiology:
- 2010 Edition: Avelino Álvarez Ordóñez, for the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Study of the factors that determine the acid adaptation and cross-protection response to the heat of Salmonella Typhimurium y Salmonella Senftenberg: mechanisms involved ”(University of León). LINK
- 2012 Edition: Guillermo Saldaña Navarro, for the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Criteria for Food Pasteurization by High Voltage Electrical Pulses” (University of Zaragoza). LINK
- 2014 Edition: Juan Salvador Aguirre García, for the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Variability of microbial inactivation and the latency phase of microorganisms surviving different food preservative treatments” (Complutense University of Madrid). DESCARGAR
- 2016 Edition: Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro, for the Doctoral Thesis entitled “Metabolic systems engineering in the industrial fungus Ashbya gossypii: promoting the production of riboflavin, lipids and nucleosides ”(University of Salamanca). LINK
- 2018 Edition: Natalia Gomez Torres, for the Doctoral Thesis titled "Control de Clostridium spp. y prevención de hinchazón tardía en queso mediante bacterias lácticas productoras de antimicrobianos, altas presiones y endolisinas fágicas" (Complutense University of Madrid).
Group Member Posts:
- Peinado, J.M., de Silóniz, M.I., Wrent, P., Rivas, E.M., Gil de Prado, E., Esteban, O., Vera, J.F. 2017 (March). Yeasts in food: good friends, worst enemies? DESCARGAR.
Scientific publications of free access of members of the group:
- Escobedo, S.; Campelo, A.B.; Umu, Ö.C.O.; Lopez-Gonzalez, M.J.; Rodriguez, A.; Diep, D.B.; Martinez, B. Resistance to the Bacteriocin Lcn972 Deciphered by Genome Sequencing. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 501. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11020501. TO ACCESS.
- Escobedo, S., Pérez de Pipaon, M., Rendueles, C., Rodríguez, A., Martínez, B. 2023. Cell wall modifications that alter the exolytic activity of lactococcal phage endolysins have little impact on phage growth. Front. Microbiol. 14:1106049. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1106049. TO ACCESS.
- Rendueles, C., Escobedo, S., Rodríguez, A., Martínez, B. 2022. Bacteriocin-phage interaction (BaPI): Phage predation of Lactococcus in the presence of bacteriocins. MicrobiologyOpen, 11(4), e1308. https://doi.org/10.1002/mbo3.1308. TO ACCESS.
Next group congress:. TO ACCESS.
Next group congress: Oenococcus oeni in non-Saccharomyces cerevisiae in non- TO ACCESS.
in non- TO ACCESS.
in non- Oenococcus oeni in non- TO ACCESS.
in non- Oenococcus oeni in non- TO ACCESS.
- Zhu, X., Torija, M-J., Mas, A., Beltran, G., Navarro, Y. 2021. Effect of a multistarter yeast inoculum on ethanol reduction and population dynamics in wine fermentation. Foods 10, 623. TO ACCESS.
- Zhu, X., Torija, M-J., Mas, A., Beltran, G., Navarro, Y. 2021. Effect of a multistarter yeast inoculum on ethanol reduction and population dynamics in wine fermentation. Foods 10, 623. Influence of dimethyl dicarbonate on the resistance of Escherichia coli to a combined UV-Heat treatment in apple juice. Frontiers in Microbiology, 19. TO ACCESS.
- Zhu, X., Torija, M-J., Mas, A., Beltran, G., Navarro, Y. 2021. Effect of a multistarter yeast inoculum on ethanol reduction and population dynamics in wine fermentation. Foods 10, 623. TO ACCESS.
- Huertas, J.P., Aznar, A., Esnoz, A., Fernandewith, P.S., Iguaz, A., Brushgo, P.M., Palop, A.. 2016. High Heating Rates Affect Greatly the Inactivation Rate of Escherichia coli. Front. Microbiol., 11 August 2016. TO ACCESS.
- Maté, J., Periago, P.M., Palop, A. 2016. When nanoemulsified, d-limonene reduces Listeria monocytogenes heat resistance about one hundred times. Food Control, 59, 824–828. TO ACCESS.
- Maté, J., Periago, P.M., Ros-Chumillas, M., Grullon, C., Huertas, J.P., Palop, A. 2016. Fat and fibre interfere with the dramatic effect that nanoemulsified d-limonene has on the heat resistance of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Microbiology, 62, 270–274. TO ACCESS.
Doctoral theses of group members:
- Balmaseda Rubina, Aitor . 2021. Effects of Torulaspora delbrueckii and Metschnikowia pulcherrima on Oenococcus oeni and malolactic fermentation. Rovira i Virgili University. Directors: Cristina Reguant and Albert Bordons. RESUME. All the document.
- Franquès Montserrat, Judith. 2018. Characterization of Oenococcus oeni and other lactic acid bacteria from the vine-wine ecosystem in Priorat. Rovira i Virgili University. Directors: Albert Bordons, Cristina Reguant and Isabel Araque. RESUME. File TESEO.
- Gayán Ordás, Elisa. 2016. Development of combined food sanitation processes based on the application of UV radiation and heat. Zaragoza's University. Directors: Santiago Condón Usón and Ignacio Álvarez Lanzarote. RESUME. File TESEO.
- Saldaña Navarro, Guillermo. 2011. Criteria for Food Pasteurization by High Voltage Electric Pulses. Zaragoza's University. Directors: Javier Raso Pueyo and Ignacio Álvarez Lanzarote. RESUME. File TESEO.
e-books (free access from Frontiers):
- Bioactive compounds from microbes. 2017. R. Mazzoli, K. Riedel, E. Pessione. Front. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389 / 978-2-88945-185-2
- Biofilms from a food microbiology perspective: structures, functions and control strategies. 2017. A. Álvarez-Ordóñez, R. Briandet. Front. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-108-1
- Biological Hazards in Food. 2017. M. Schirone, P. Visciano, R. Tofalo, G.Suzzi. Front. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389 / 978-2-88945-113-5
- Biotechnology of microalgae, based on molecular biology and biochemistry of eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria. 2017. T. Osanai, Y.I. Park, Y. Nakamura. Front. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-129-6
- Development of microbial ecological theory: stability, plasticity and evolution of microbial ecosystems. 2017. S. Haruta, Y. Saito, H. Futamata. Front. Microbiol. Doi: 10.3389 / 978-2-88945-169-2
- Fungal Jewels: Secondary Metabolites. 2017. N. Keller, J. Palmer, O. Bayram. Forehead. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389 / 978-2-88945-136-4
- Microbiota of Grapes: Positive and Negative Role on Wine Quality. 2017. G. Spano, S. Torriani. Front. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-121-0
Contact information
Spanish Society of Microbiology
Biological Research Center (CIB-CSIC).
C / Ramiro de Maeztu, 9. 28040. Madrid.
Tel.: (+34) 686 71 65 08
Group Webmaster
Ignacio Alvarez Lanzarote
Email: nacho.alvarez@unizar.es
Group Presidency
Pablo Salvador Fernández Escámez
Email: Pablo.Fernandez@upct.es
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