ECOPHAGE Valencia 2023

ECOPHAGE Valencia 2023
International Workshop "Combating antimicrobial resistance using bacteriophages for eco-sustainable agriculture and food systems"
The aim of this workshop is to promote awareness and knowledge about phages, contributing to meet the needs of the society in food safety and sustainability.
Phages can be used to eliminate or control the development of harmful bacteria in plants, animals or food, as an alternative (or supplement) to chemical antimicrobial substances, or aggressive food treatments. Phages is also an alternative to the use of antibiotics in agro-food and fish farming. This approach makes food production safer and more sustainable. Nevertheless, the application of phages has additional benefits like combating antibiotic resistances, protecting the natural microorganisms ecosystem, or maintaining the organoleptic characteristics of food products. For all these reasons, the use of phages will be beneficial for society.