1 post-doc position Connecting microbiota and neurodegenerative diseases
Opening position for a 2-year post-doc contract associated with the project INVESTIGO 2023 funded by the European Union, Next Generation EU. The candidates will join the “SELF- ORGANIZATION IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS” group at the Biochemical and Molecular Biology Department of the
Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (https://www.uab.cat/).
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate fulfilling these requirements at the time of initiating the contract are:
a) Have the title of doctor
b) Be under 30 years of age.
c) Not have developed any type of research activity at the UAB within the 6 months immediately prior to the start of the contract.
d) Be unemployed and registered as a jobseeker in the Public Employment Service of Catalonia.
The contract will start no later than 1 September 2023.
The candidate will help to find a connection between microbiota and neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, a connection with the aggregation-prone proteins expressed by the gut microbiota. We use multidisciplinary approaches including bioinformatics, biophysical and in vivo models to analyse the prion-like behaviour of the proteins expressed by the gut microbiota and uncover its ability to transmit an aggregated conformation to the brain. We aim to discover bacterial strains, protein candidates and transmission mechanisms to inspire new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.
Interested candidates should send the following documentation to natalia.sanchez@uab.cat: A full CV; A motivation letter; A reference letter.
Link to Investigo 2023:
Group page: https://sites.google.com/view/degrootlab/