Microbiology/Biochemistry & Bioanalytical Chemistry/Pharmacology Postdocs

Microbiology/Biochemistry & Bioanalytical Chemistry/Pharmacology Postdocs
Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately to conduct biomedical research.
Microbiology/Biochemistry Postdoc. The ideal candidate would have a Ph.D. in microbiology or biochemistry. Projects involve determination of antibacterial properties of small-molecule antibacterials in lead optimization, including against Cloistrodiodes difficile and SARS-CoV-2, as well as other pathogens. Determination of binding and inhibition to putative target(s), antibacterial activity, time-kill assays, checkerboard assay, post antibiotic effect, emergence of resistance, germination and sporulation assays, toxicity in mammalian cells, and efficacy evaluation in animal models of infection.
Bioanalytical Chemistry/Pharmacology Postdoc. The ideal candidate would have a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry, biochemistry or pharmacology. The project focuses on elucidation of why chronic wounds (diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers) do not heal, and includes mouse models of wound healing, proteomics, determination of drug levels in skin and in systemic circulation. The candidate will also conduct in vitro and in vivo drug metabolism/ pharmacokinetic studies to support projects in infectious diseases and cancer. The training is multidisciplinary (bioanalytical chemistry, proteomics, biochemistry, pharmacology, animal models of disease) and translational (analyses of human tissues from patients with disease and healthy controls), and will expand opportunities to solve biomedical problems.
The work environment is multidisciplinary and the successful candidates will have the opportunity to work among a large group of scientists of diverse backgrounds and interests within our group. Candidates should have strong communication skills, ability to work independently and in a team setting in a multidisciplinary environment, ability to work with animals, and excellent organizational skills.
Prof. Mayland Chang
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Notre Dame
354 McCourtney Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Email: mchang@nd.edu