Oferta postdoctoral de microbiología en la EEZ (CSIC, Granada)
We offer a postdoctoral position for a Microbiologist at the Department of Environmental Protection at the
Estación Experimental del Zaidín Institute at Granada, Spain.
The opening is temporary with a competitive salary for one year.
CSIC is dedicated to providing creative environments for learning and work. We
welcome your application!
The Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ) is a research center belonging to the
CSIC, the Higher Council for Scientific Research. The main objective of the EEZ is
to carry out cutting-edge research in Biology (Plant, Animal and Microbiology), as
well as promoting development of environmental applications and sustainable
agriculture and livestock
The Department of Environmental Protection has the general objective of is to
contribute to the protection of soil and crops through the sustained development
of agricultural systems.
Project: The Dr. Ramos Lab at EEZ is a multidisciplinary and stimulating research space
that investigates bacterial cell metabolism and genetics at the interphase between
basic and agro research.
Our goal is to improve the inventory of players in mobilization of nutrients in soil,
characterize the function and interplay of known components, and envolve our work
into quantitative studies and computational modeling. Our research program has an
extraordinary potential as novel targets for the development of new biofertilizers.
Candidates must hold a University degree in Molecular Biology or Microbiology. You should be highly motivated, have
very Good communication skills and the ability to interact in a team. You must have a good wosking knowledge of
standard molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry techniques. It will be particularly qualifying for the
successful candidate to have demostrated expertise in bioinformatics. You need to be skilled in both oral and written
communication in English.
A complete application should be sent in English to Juan Luis Ramos (juanluis.ramos@eez.csic.es) including: i) a cover
letter summarizing your qualifications and motives for applying, ii) a curriculum vitae, and iii) the names and contacts
of up to three references. Applications should be submitted electronically (MS Word or PDF).
For more information please contact Dr. Juan Luis Ramos: juanluis.ramos@eez.csic.es