Ramón Peñalver Navarro, Centro de Protección Vegetal y Biotecnología, IVIA, Valencia

PENYALVER, R., ROESCH, L.F.W., PIQUER-SALCEDO, J.E., FORNER-GINER, M.A. and ALGUACIL, M.M. 2022. From the bacterial citrus microbiome to the selection of potentially host-beneficial microbes. New Biotechnology 70: 116-128. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2022.06.002
VICEDO, B., PEÑALVER, R., ASÍNS, M.J. and LÓPEZ, M.M. 1993. Biological control of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, colonization and pAgK84 transfer with A. radiobacter strains K84 and the Tra- mutant strain K1026. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59: 309-315. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.59.1.309-315.1993
PENYALVER, R., OGER, P.M., SU, S., ÁLVAREZ, B., SALCEDO, C.I., LÓPEZ, M.M. and FARRAND, S.K. 2009. The S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase gene ahcY of Agrobacterium radiobacter strain K84 is required for optimal growth, antibiotic production and biocontrol of crown gall disease. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 22: 713-724. DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-22-6-0713
ABARCA-GRAU, A.M., BURBANK, L.P., DE PAZ, H.D., CRESPO-RIVAS, J.C., MARCO-NOALES, E., LÓPEZ, M.M., VINARDELL, J.M., VON BODMAN, S.B. and PENYALVER, R. 2012. Role for Agrobacterium rhizogenes K84 cell envelope polysaccharides in surface interactions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78:1644-1651. doi: 10.1128/AEM.07117-11PENYALVER, R., PIQUER-SALCEDO, J.E., FORNER-GINER, M.A., ROESH, L.F.W., and ALGUACIL. M.M. 2021. Citrus microbiomes: linking metagenomics to beneficial microbes. (En preparación)