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Health Surveillance (Vigilancia Sanitaria)

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Health Surveillance (Vigilancia Sanitaria)

VISAVET – Veterinary Health Surveillance Center, Complutense University of Madrid

Dr. Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez

Fig. Logotipo del grupo de investigación Health Surveillance,  Universidad Complutense de Madrid


El grupo de investigación de Vigilancia Sanitaria de la UCM (920033) inició su actividad en el año 1993, bajo la denominación “Epidemiología molecular, sanidad animal y seguridad alimentaria y medioambiental”, en el seno del actual Departamento de Sanidad Animal de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la UCM. Este grupo, liderado por el profesor Lucas Domínguez, continuó las investigaciones de Prof. Guillermo Suárez en materia de seguridad alimentaria (centrado en el estudio de Listeria y otros patógenos intracelulares facultativos, así como toxinas microbianas) aportando nuevas áreas de investigación como el estudio de los problemas de las resistencias a los antibióticos, la vacunación como alternativa a los antimicrobianos, el control de la tuberculosis o la investigación de zoonosis y enfermedades reemergentes en fauna salvaje. Vigilancia Sanitaria trasladó su personal UCM a las instalaciones del centro VISAVET de esta Universidad, constituyendo el origen de este centro de investigación y validándose en 2004 en la primera convocatoria de evaluación de grupos de investigación de la UCM. El grupo ha recibido una calificación de Excelente por parte de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación en 2018 y 2022. En julio de 2023 celebró las Jornadas Vigilancia Sanitaria 2023 coincidiendo con el 30º Aniversario de la creación del grupo.


El grupo tiene como objetivo primordial la vigilancia sanitaria bajo el enfoque de una única salud para lo que se ha ido formado un grupo multidisciplinar con referentes en cada una de las áreas de trabajo pertenecientes a diferentes instituciones (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos -CSIC-UCLM-JCCLM, Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal-INIA, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, University of Minnesota, Universidad de Extremadura, Universidad de Burgos y Universidad Europea). El grupo cuenta con equipamiento e instalaciones compartidas en el centro VISAVET que han permitido desarrollar conjuntamente sus líneas de investigación. Con respecto a la financiación, el grupo ha participado desde sus inicios en más de 170 proyectos de investigación, tanto en planes nacionales como en programas competitivos de ámbito internacional [p.e. European Joint Programme (único programa europeo de seguridad alimentaria actualmente) y European Research Council (primeros en área veterinaria de la UCM)], más de 300 contratos con administraciones y empresas y ha obtenido más de 80 ayudas de personal. En gran medida, gracias a estas últimas ayudas se ha consolidado como un espacio de formación continuada, permitiendo, por ejemplo, la defensa de más de 80 tesis doctorales. Por último, la colaboración de miembros del grupo en paneles de expertos, plataformas y grupos de trabajo demuestra la consistencia de este en sus áreas de trabajo a nivel internacional (p.e. Med-Vet-Net Association), nacional (p.e. Red de Vigilancia Veterinaria de Resistencias a Antibióticos y RE-LAB) y regional (p.e. Tecnologías Avanzadas de la Comunidad de Madrid, con calificación excelente tras 3 programas). Sus investigadores dirigen centros de investigación y laboratorios de referencia internacional (EU-RLs, OIE-RLs…). El grupo realiza una importante labor en el campo de la transferencia de resultados y la asesoría a empresas y administraciones colaborando en programas sanitarios como la erradicación de la tuberculosis bovina y campañas de control de leishmaniosis y otras enfermedades zoonósicas. Destaca también su participación muy activa en las principales crisis sanitarias que ha sufrido nuestro país, o la coordinación del Clúster de Agroalimentación y Salud del CEI Moncloa.

  • Análisis y control integrado de Toxoplasma gondii y virus de la Hepatitis E en la cadena alimentaria
  • Aplicación de la técnica MALDI TOF en el campo de la microbiología clínica y la agroalimentación
  • Caracterización de la emergencia de patógenos de transmisión alimentaria sometidos a programas de vigilancia y monitorización mediante técnicas de epidemiología cuantitativa
  • Caracterización genética de poblaciones microbianas
  • Caracterización genética de resistencia a antimicrobianos
  • Caracterización molecular del complejo Mycobacterium avium
  • Caracterización molecular
  • Control de la tuberculosis
  • Determinación de la fiabilidad de pruebas diagnósticas de enfermedades de relevancia en sanidad animal y estudio de su aplicación en el marco de programas de control y vigilancia
  • Diagnóstico clínico
  • Diagnóstico de brucelosis porcina
  • Diagnóstico de fiebre Q en rumiantes domésticos y fauna salvaje mediante técnicas directas e indirectas
  • Diagnóstico de Leishmaniosis en el reservorio animal
  • Diagnóstico de otras micobacteriosis
  • Diagnóstico de tuberculosis
  • Diseño de métodos de detección de agresivos biológicos
  • Diseño de nuevos métodos de diagnóstico
  • Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis
  • Inmunopatología de la tuberculosis en animales domésticos y salvajes
  • Lesiones proliferativas tumorales y no tumorales en el tracto digestivo en pequeños animales
  • MALDI-TOF profiling e imaging
  • Medicina Preventiva
  • Nuevas estrategias de diagnóstico y control de la brucelosis bovina, ovina y caprina
  • Parasitosis en animales silvestres
  • Patología en peces
  • Sanidad Marina
  • Taxonomía bacteriana
  • Veterinaria forense
  • Vigilancia de resistencias a antimicrobianos en microorganismos patógenos, productores de zoonosis de transmisión alimentaria y microorganismos indicadores
  • Vigilancia de zoonosis de transmisión alimentaria en muestras de animales, alimentos de origen animal y aguas, en especial Salmonella spp. Campylobacter termotolerantes, Escherichia coli verotoxigénicos y Yersinia enterocolítica
  • Vigilancia epidemiológica de patógenos zoonósicos transmitidos por garrapatas
  • Inmunidad entrenada
  • Muestreos no invasivos


VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense
Avenida de Puerta de Hierro, s/n
28040 Madrid, Spain


1. Jimenez-Martin D, Garcia-Bocanegra I*, Risalde MA, Napp S, Dominguez M, Romero B, Moreno I, Martinez R and Cano-Terriza D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in domestic goats in Southern Spain. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 227:106204. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0167-5877. Impact factor 2022: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106204 Handle
2. Velloso-Alvarez A, Jose-Cunilleras E, Dorrego-Rodriguez A, Santiago-Llorente I, de las Cuesta-Torrado M, Troya-Portillo L, Rivera B, Vitale V, de Juan L and Cruz F*. Detection of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in urine samples during outbreaks of equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy. Equine veterinary journal, 56(3):456-463. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0425-1644. Impact factor 2022: 2.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 38 of 143. DOI: 10.1111/evj.14007 Handle
3. Scarpellini R*, Leal Velez de Mendizábal L, Quevedo-Caraballo S, Blanco JL, Garcia ME, Perez-Sancho M, Portero-Fuentes M, Penelo S, Esposito E, Mondo E and Piva S. Active surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in companion animals: A pilot study in a Spanish Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 108:102169. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0147-9571. Impact factor 2022: 2.000. Category: Immunology, Quartile: 4, Position: 143 of 161. DOI: 10.1016/j.cimid.2024.102169
4. Rebollada A, Barcena C, Porras N, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Forensic findings in urban red fox mortality in the metropolitan area of Madrid, 2014-2022. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , 1-5. 2024. (A). ISSN: 1040-6387. Impact factor 2022: 1.500. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 65 of 143. DOI: 10.1177/10406387241239921 Handle
5. Porras N, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Rodriguez-Bertos A*, Kosowska A and Barasona JA. Tertiary lymphoid organs in wild boar exposed to a low-virulent isolate of African swine fever virus. The Veterinary quarterly, 44(1):1-13. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0165-2176. Impact factor 2020: 6.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 3 of 144. DOI: 10.1080/01652176.2024.2331525 Handle
6. Aguilar-Vega C*, Munoz-Perez C, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Martinez-Aviles M and Bosch J. Eco-Sanitary Regionalization of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in the Western Palearctic Realm as a Tool for the Stewardship of African Swine Fever. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 8080496. 2024. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2023/8080496 Handle
7. Vargas-Castro I*, Crespo-Picazo JL, Jimenez-Martinez MA, Munoz-Baquero M, Marco-Cabedo V, Garcia-Parraga D and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Molecular detection of herpesvirus in a skin lesion of a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) from the Western Mediterranean Sea. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 70:31. 2024. (A). ISSN: 1612-4642. Impact factor 2022: 2.000. Category: Zoology, Quartile: 1, Position: 41 of 177. DOI: 10.1007/s10344-024-01782-7 Handle
8. Ito S, Aguilar-Vega C, Bosch J, Isoda N and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM*. Application of machine learning with large-scale data for an effective vaccination against classical swine fever for wild boar in Japan. Scientific reports, 14(1):5312. 2024. (A). ISSN: 2045-2322. Impact factor 2022: 4.600. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 22 of 73. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-55828-6
9. Velasco-Reinaldos C, Ortega J, Gómez-Buendía A, Grau A, Lopez M, Alvarez J, Romero B, de Juan L and Bezos J*. Evaluation of the Effect of a Recent Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test on the Humoral Diagnosis of Paratuberculosis Using Serum and Milk Samples from Goats. Veterinary sciences, 11(3):105. 2024. (A). ISSN: 2306-7381. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.3390/vetsci11030105 Handle
10. Jacqueline C, Samper-Cativiela C, Monzon S, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Cuesta I, Alvarez J and Herrera-Leon S. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis isolates from humans and animals in Spain from 2006 to 2021. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 1-11. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0305-7453. Impact factor 2022: 5.200. Category: Infectious Diseases, Quartile: 2, Position: 29 of 96. DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkae029 Handle
11. Rebollada A*, Gómez-Buendía A, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A. Forensic investigations of suspected livestock depredation by vultures: scientific tools for compensation programmes. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 209:22-30. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0021-9975. Impact factor 2022: 0.800. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 3, Position: 100 of 144. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2024.01.006 Handle
12. Goicolea T, Cisneros-Araujo P, Aguilar-Vega C, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Mateo-Sanchez MC and Bosch J*. Landscape connectivity for predicting the spread of ASF in the European wild boar population. Scientific reports, 10;14(1):3414. 2024. (A). ISSN: 2045-2322. Impact factor 2022: 4.600. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 22 of 73. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-53869-5 Handle
13. Velasco-Reinaldos C, Ortega J, Rincón-Fernández de la Puente J, Romero B*, de Juan L, Dominguez L, Dominguez M, Moreno I, Alvarez J and Bezos J. Effect of a recent intradermal test on the specificity of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis. Frontiers in veterinary science, 11:1-7. 2024. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1358413 Handle
14. Gómez-Buendía A, Alvarez J, Bezos J, Mourelo J, Amado J, Saez-Llorente JL, de Juan L and Romero B*. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria: occurrence in skin test cattle reactors from official tuberculosis-free herds. Frontiers in veterinary science, 11:1361788. 2024. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1361788 Handle
15. Rebollada A, Martinez I, Duque C, Garcia-Seco T, Escacena C, Dominguez L, Rodriguez-Bertos A and Garcia N*. Detection of Brucella in Dermacentor ticks of wild boar with brucellosis. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2024:5517000, 12 pag. 2024. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2024/6618287 Handle
16. Ferreras E*, Contreras M, Risalde MA, Sevilla IA, Delgado E, Dominguez L, Gortazar C and de la Fuente J. Heat-inactivated mycobacteria activate the toll-like receptor 2 and 4 pathways in the zebrafish model of tuberculosis. Vaccine, S0264-410X(23)01544-X. 2024. (A). ISSN: 0264-410X. Impact factor 2022: 5.500. Category: Immunology, Quartile: 1, Position: 57 of 161. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.12.085 Handle
17. Porras N*, Chinchilla-Rodríguez B, Rodriguez-Bertos A, Barasona JA, Kosowska A, Vazquez-Fernandez E, Sanchez-Cordon PJ and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Intrapancreatic accessory spleens in African swine fever infection of wild boar (Sus scrofa). Frontiers in veterinary science, 10:1306320. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1306320
18. Vazquez-Fernandez E, Rebollada A, Chinchilla-Rodríguez B, Porras N and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Forensic investigations of religious rituals involving poultry: a case report. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 207:91-95. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0021-9975. Impact factor 2022: 0.800. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 3, Position: 100 of 144. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcpa.2023.10.006
19. Samper-Cativiela C, Prieto M, Collado S, De Frutos C, Branscum AJ, Saez-Llorente JL and Alvarez J*. Risk Factors for Salmonella Detection in Commercial Layer Flocks in Spain. Animals, 13(20):3181. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor 2022: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani13203181
20. Vargas-Castro I*, Crespo-Picazo JL, Fayos M, Jimenez-Martinez MA, Torre-Fuentes L, Alvarez J, Moura AE, Hernandez M, Buendia A, Barroso-Arevalo S, Garcia-Seco T, Perez-Sancho M, de Miguel MJ, Andres-Barranco S, Marco-Cabedo V, Penin-Villahoz G, Munoz PM, Dominguez L, Garcia-Parraga D and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. New insights into the pathogenesis and transmission of Brucella pinnipedialis: systemic infection in two bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Microbiology Spectrum, e0199723. 2023. (A). ISSN: 21650497. Impact factor: 3.700. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 62 of 135. DOI:
21. Sánchez-Morales L*, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Dominguez L and Barroso-Arevalo S. A retrospective study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in dogs and cats in the Community of Madrid, Spain. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1264172. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1664-302X. Impact factor: 5.200. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 28 of 135. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1264172
22. Dorrego-Rodriguez A, Camino E, Gago F, Buendia A, Acurio Cutschi KL, Gonzalez S, de Juan L and Cruz F*. Haemato-biochemical characterization of equine piroplasmosis asymptomatic carriers and seropositive, real-time PCR negative horses. Veterinary Parasitology, 323:110046. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0304-4017. Impact factor: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2023.110046
23. Munoz-Perez C*, Martinez-Lopez B, Gomez-Vazquez JP, Aguilar-Vega C, Bosch J, Ito S, Martinez-Aviles M and Sanchez-Vizcaino F. Quantitative risk assessment of African swine fever introduction into Spain by legal import of swine products. Research in Veterinary Science, 163:104990. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2023.104990
24. Ito S, Kawaguchi N, Bosch J, Aguilar-Vega C and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. What can we learn from the five-year African swine fever epidemic in Asia?. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10:1273417. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1273417
25. Perez-Montero B*, Fermin-Rodriguez ML, Miro G, de Juan L and Cruz F. Hemolysis, icterus and lipemia interfere with the determination of two oxidative stress biomarkers in canine serum. BMC Veterinary Research, 19(1):172. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1746-6148. Impact factor 2022: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-023-03740-y
26. Gortazar C*, de la Fuente J, Perello A and Dominguez L. Will we ever eradicate animal tuberculosis?. Irish veterinary journal, 76(Suppl 1):24. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0368-0762 . Impact factor: 2.900. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 14 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s13620-023-00254-9
27. Martinez-Aviles M*, Bosch J, Ivorra B, Ramos AM, Ito S, Barasona JA and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Epidemiological impacts of attenuated African swine fever virus circulating in wild boar populations. Research in Veterinary Science, 162:104964. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2023.104964 Handle
28. Ferreras-Colino E, Moreno I, Gortazar C, Sevilla I, Agullo-Ros I, Dominguez L, Juste R, Risalde MA* and Dominguez M. Oral immunization with heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis reduces local parasite dissemination and hepatic granuloma development in mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis. Research in Veterinary Science, 162:104963. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2023.104963
29. Morelle K*, Barasona JA, Bosch J, Heine G, Daim A, Arnold J, Bauch T, Kosowska A, Cadenas-Fernández E, Martinez-Aviles M, Zuniga AB, Wikelski M, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM and Safi K. Accelerometer-based detection of African swine fever infection in wild boar. Proceedings. Biological sciences, 290(2005):20231396. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0962-8452. Impact factor 2022: 4.700. Category: Biology, Quartile: 1, Position: 19 of 92. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1396
30. Vazquez-Fernandez E, Chinchilla-Rodríguez B, Rebollada A, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. An Outbreak of Aeromonas salmonicida in Juvenile Siberian Sturgeons (Acipenser baerii). Animals, 13(17):2697. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor 2022: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani13172697
31. Barroso-Arevalo S*, Diaz-de Frutos M, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Importance of genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in cats during reverse zoonosis events: potential viral evolution may occur. Microbiology Spectrum, e0068023. 2023. (A). ISSN: 21650497. Impact factor 2022: 3.700. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 62 of 135. DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.00680-23
32. Vargas-Castro I*, Crespo JL, Jimenez MA, Marco-Cabedo V, Munoz M, Garcia-Parraga D and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. First description of a lesion in the upper digestive mucosa associated with a novel gammaherpesvirus in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded in the Western Mediterranean Sea. BMC Veterinary Research, 19(1):118. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1746-6148. Impact factor 2022: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-023-03677-2
33. Kosowska A, Barasona JA*, Barroso-Arevalo S, Blondeau-Leon L, Cadenas-Fernández E and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Low transmission risk of African swine fever virus between wild boar infected by an attenuated isolate and susceptible domestic pigs. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10:1-10. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1177246
34. Chinchilla-Rodríguez B*, Vazquez-Fernandez E, Rebollada A, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A. First detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in juvenile Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) and description of the pathological findings. Journal of Fish Diseases, 46(8):887-894. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0140-7775. Impact factor 2022: 2.500. Category: Marine & Freshwater biology, Quartile: 2, Position: 27 of 106. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.13801
35. Bezos J, Saez-Llorente JL, Alvarez J, Romero B*, Diez-Guerrier A, Dominguez L and de Juan L. Bovine tuberculosis in Spain, is it really the final countdown?. Irish veterinary journal, 76(Suppl 1):13. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0368-0762 . Impact factor 2022: 2.900. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 14 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s13620-023-00241-0
36. Gómez-Buendía A, Romero B*, Bezos J, Saez-Llorente JL, Archetti I, Pacciarini M, Boschiroli ML, Girard S, Gutu E, Barbuceanu F, Karaoulani O, Stournara A, de Juan L and Alvarez J. Evaluation of the performance of the IFN-y release assay in bovine tuberculosis free herds from five European countries. Veterinary Research, 54(1):55. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0928-4249. Impact factor 2022: 4.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 6 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s13567-023-01187-5
37. Vargas-Castro I, Peletto S*, Mattioda V, Goria M, Serraca L, Varello K, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Puleio R, Di Nocera F, Lucifora G, Acutis P, Casalone C, Grattarola C and Giorda F. Epidemiological and genetic analysis of Cetacean Morbillivirus circulating on the Italian coast between 2018 and 2021. Frontiers in veterinary science, 10:1216838. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor 2022: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1216838
38. Rebollada A, Garcia-Seco T, Chinchilla-Rodríguez B, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Immunopathology of early and advanced epididymis lesions caused by Brucella ovis in rams. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 261:110621. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0165-2427. Impact factor 2022: 1.800. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 40 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2023.110621
39. Ferreras-Colino E*, Descalzo E, Romero B, Gortazar C and Ferreras P. Mycobacterium bovis in Egyptian mongoose, Spain. Zoonoses and Public Health, 70(4):365-368. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1863-1959. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1111/zph.13033
40. Wedel E, Bernabe-Balas C, Ares M, Montero N, Santos-Lopez A, Mazel D and Gonzalez-Zorn B*. Insertion Sequences Determine Plasmid Adaptation to New Bacterial Hosts. mBio, 14(3):e0315822. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2150-7511. Impact factor 2022: 6.400. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 1, Position: 24 of 135. DOI: 10.1128/mbio.03158-22
41. Alvarez J, Calderón-Bernal JM, Torre-Fuentes L, Hernandez M, Pinto-Jimenez CE, Dominguez L, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF, Vela AI* and Cid D. Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Resistance Mechanisms in Mannheimia haemolytica Isolates from Sheep at Slaughter. Animals, 13(12):1991. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor 2022: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani13121991
42. Barroso-Arevalo S, Sánchez-Morales L, Barasona JA, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM*. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Studies in Pets, Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(6):1136-1142. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1080-6040. Impact factor 2022: 11.800. Category: Infectious Diseases, Quartile: 1, Position: 10 of 96. DOI: 10.3201/eid2906.221737
43. Pozo P*, Bezos J, Romero B, Grau A, Nacar J, Saez-Llorente JL, Minguez O and Alvarez J. Once bitten twice shy: Risk factors associated with bovine tuberculosis recurrence in Castilla y Leon, Spain. Research in Veterinary Science, 159:72-80. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor 2022: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2023.04.011
44. Jimenez-Martin D, Cano-Terriza D*, Risalde MA, Napp S, Alvarez J, Fernandez-Molera V, Moreno I, Infantes-Lorenzo JA and Garcia-Bocanegra I. Seroepidemiology of tuberculosis in sheep in southern Spain. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 215:105920. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0167-5877. Impact factor 2022: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2023.105920
45. Rebollada A, Garcia-Seco T, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical findings in the placentas and fetuses of domestic swine naturally infected with Brucella suis biovar 2. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , 35(3):258-265. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1040-6387. Impact factor 2022: 1.500. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 65 of 143. DOI: 10.1177/10406387231163867
46. Stoppani N, Colussi S*, Pastorino P, Prearo M, Sciuto S, Altinok I, Ozturk RC, Ture M, Vela AI, Blanco MM, Kotzamanidis C, Bitchava K, Malousi A, Fariano L, Volpatti D, Acutis PL and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. 16S-23S rRNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Region ( ITS) Sequencing: A Potential Molecular Diagnostic Tool for Differentiating Lactococcus garvieae and Lactococcus petauri. Microorganisms, 11(5):1320. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2076-2607. Impact factor 2022: 4.500. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 47 of 135. DOI:
47. Tiwari SK, van der Putten BCL, Fuchs TM, Vinh TN, Bootsma M, Oldenkamp R, La Ragione RM, Matamoros S, Hoa NT, Berens C, Leng J, Alvarez J, Ferrandis- Vila M, Ritchie JM, Fruth A, Schwarz S, Dominguez L, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Bethe A, Huber C, Johanns V, Stamm I, Wieler LH, Ewers C, Fivian-Hughes A, Schmitt H, Menge C, Semmler T and Schultsz C*. Genome-wide association reveals host-specific genomic traits in Escherichia coli. BMC Biology, 21(1):76. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1741-7007. Impact factor 2022: 5.400. Category: Biology, Quartile: 1, Position: 15 of 92. DOI: 10.1186/s12915-023-01562-w
48. Delgado-Blas JF, Ovejero CM, David S, Serna C, Pulido-Vadillo M, Montero N, Aanensen DM, Abadia-Patino L and Gonzalez-Zorn B*. Global scenario of the RmtE pan-aminoglycoside-resistance mechanism: emergence of the rmtE4 gene in South America associated with a hospital-related IncL plasmid. Microbial Genomics, 9(3). 2023. (A). ISSN: 257-5858. Impact factor 2022: 3.900. Category: Genetics & Heredity, Quartile: 2, Position: 51 of 171. DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000946
49. Romani-Cremaschi U, Rebollada A, Canales R, Vargas-Castro I, Perez-Sancho M, Sanchez-Vizcaino F, Dominguez M, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Histopathology, Immunohistochemical Diagnosis, and Management of Penicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus delphini Cutaneous Infection in a Bottlenose Dolphin. Aquatic Mammals, 49(2), 117-120. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0167-5427. Impact factor 2022: 1.200. Category: Marine & Freshwater biology, Quartile: 3, Position: 73 of 106. DOI: 10.1578/AM.49.2.2023.117
50. Barroso-Arevalo S*, Diaz-de Frutos M, Kosowska A, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. A useful tool for the safe diagnosis and control of the two main pandemics of the XXI century: COVID-19 and African Swine Fever disease. PLoS ONE, 18(3):e0282632. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1932-6203. Impact factor 2022: 3.700. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 26 of 73. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282632
51. Preite L, Barroso P, Romero B, Balseiro A and Gortazar C*. Struggling to improve farm biosecurity: Do free advice and subsidies hit the target?. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 212:105839. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0167-5877. Impact factor 2022: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2023.105839
52. Diaz-Cao JM, Grossmann N, Goodman SM, Bosch J, Guis H, Rasamoelina M, Rakotoarivony R, Jori F and Martinez-Lopez B*. A Maximum Entropy Species Distribution Model to Estimate the Distribution of Bushpigs on Madagascar and Its Implications for African Swine Fever. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 7976252. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2023/7976252
53. Herrero-Garcia G, Acevedo P, Quiros P, Prieto M, Romero B, Amado J, Queipo MA, Gortazar C and Balseiro A*. Tuberculosis Epidemiology and Spatial Ecology at the Cattle-Wild Boar Interface in Northern Spain. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2147191. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2023/2147191
54. Ito S*, Bosch J, Aguilar-Vega C, Isoda N, Martinez-Aviles M and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Development of an Effective Oral Vaccine Dissemination Strategy against Classical Swine Fever for Wild Boar in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 1-13. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2023/9484441
55. Gómez-Buendía A, Pozo P, Picasso-Risso C, Branscum AJ, Perez A and Alvarez J*. Accuracy of Tests for Diagnosis of Animal Tuberculosis: Moving Away from the Golden Calf (and towards Bayesian Models). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 1-18. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor 2022: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1155/2023/7615716
56. Aguilar-Vega C, Scoglio C, Clavijo MJ, Robbins R, Karriker L, Liu X and Martinez-Lopez B*. A tool to enhance antimicrobial stewardship using similarity networks to identify antimicrobial resistance patterns across farms. Scientific reports, 13(1):2931. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2045-2322. Impact factor 2022: 4.600. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 22 of 73. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-29980-4
57. Fernandez-Veiga L, Fuertes M, Geijo M, Perez del Val B, Vidal E, Michelet L, Boschiroli ML, Gómez-Buendía A, Bezos J, Jones GJ, Vordermeier M, Juste RA, Garrido JM and Sevilla AI*. Differences in skin test reactions to official and defined antigens in guinea pigs exposed to non-tuberculous and tuberculous bacteria. Scientific reports, 13:2936. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2045-2322. Impact factor 2022: 4.600. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 22 of 73. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-30147-4
58. Calderón-Bernal JM, Fernandez A, Arnal JL, Baselga C, Zuniga AB, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF*, Vela AI and Cid D. Cluster analysis of bovine respiratory disease (BRD)-associated pathogens shows the existence of two epidemiological patterns in BRD outbreaks. Veterinary Microbiology, 280:109701. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0378-1135. Impact factor 2022: 3.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 11 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2023.109701 Handle
59. Polo C, Garcia-Seco T, Diez-Guerrier A, Briones V, Dominguez L and Perez-Sancho M*. What about the bull? A systematic review about the role of males in bovine infectious infertility within cattle herds. Veterinary and Animal Science, 19:100284. 2023. (A). ISSN: 2451-943X. Impact factor 2022: 1.500. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 2, Position: 23 of 79. DOI: 10.1016/j.vas.2023.100284 Handle
60. Dorrego-Rodriguez A, Herranz-Benito C, Perez-Sancho M, Camino E, Gomez-Arrones V, Carrasco JJ, de Gabriel-Perez J, Serres C and Cruz F*. First report and molecular characterization of cases of natural Taylorella asinigenitalis infection in three donkey breeds in Spain. Veterinary Microbiology, 276:109604. 2023. (A). ISSN: 0378-1135. Impact factor 2022: 3.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 11 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2022.109604 Handle
61. Rebollada A*, Canales R, Romani-Cremaschi U and Rodriguez-Bertos A. Intestinal T-cell lymphoma in an Asian small-clawed otter: case report and literature review of lymphoma in the subfamily Lutrinae. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , 35(1):72-75. 2023. (A). ISSN: 1040-6387. Impact factor 2022: 1.500. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 65 of 143. DOI: 10.1177/10406387221138293
62. Calderón-Bernal JM, Fernandez A, Arnal JL, Sanz-Tejero C, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF*, Vela AI and Cid D. Molecular Epidemiology of Pasteurella multocida Associated with Bovine Respiratory Disease Outbreaks. Animals, 13(1):75. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani13010075 Handle
63. Ito S*, Bosch J, Jeong H, Aguilar-Vega C, Park J, Martinez-Aviles M and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology of the Spread of African Swine Fever in Wild Boar and the Role of Environmental Factors in South Korea. Viruses-Basel, 14(12):2779. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1999-4915. Impact factor: 4.700. Category: Virology, Quartile: 2, Position: 15 of 36. DOI: 10.3390/v14122779 Handle
64. Rebollada A*, Barcena C, Barreno-San Antolin L, Pizarro M, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A. Animal abuse in Spanish-breed fighting cocks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 2:100050. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2666-9374. New Journal. Impact factor not available. DOI: 10.1016/j.fsiae.2022.100050
65. Polo C, Hernandez M, Garcia-Seco T, Fernandez V, Briones V, Diez-Guerrier A, Abad D, Rodriguez-Lazaro D, Dominguez L and Perez-Sancho M*. Exploiting 16S rRNA-based metagenomics to reveal neglected microorganisms associated with infertility in breeding bulls in Spanish extensive herds. Research in Veterinary Science, 150:52-57. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2022.04.019 Handle
66. Neila Mota C, Rebollada A, Bezos J, de Juan L, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae). Veterinary Research Communications, 46(4):1147-1156. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0165-7380. Impact factor: 2.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 38 of 143. DOI: 10.1007/s11259-022-09996-3 Handle
67. Ortega J, de Juan L, Sevilla IA, Garrido JM, Velasco-Reinaldos C, Romero B, Dominguez M, Perez del Val B, Nebot C, Saez-Llorente JL, Alvarez J and Bezos J*. Effect of a recent parenteral dexamethasone and ketoprofen administration on the immunological diagnosis of tuberculosis in goats. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:1042428. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1042428
68. Orden JA, Martinez-Rodrigo A, Vela AI, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF, Hurtado-Morillas C, Mas A* and Dominguez-Bernal G. Detection and Antimicrobial Resistance of Enterobacteriaceae other than Escherichia Coli in Raccoons from the Madrid Region of Spain. Journal of veterinary research, 66(4):565-569. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2450-7393 . Impact factor: 1.800. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 50 of 143. DOI: 10.2478/jvetres-2022-0058
69. Barroso-Arevalo S, Sánchez-Morales L, Dominguez M, Garcia-Seco T, Risalde MA, Garcia-Bocanegra I, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. A subunit vaccine candidate based on the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 prevents infectious virus shedding in cats. Research in Veterinary Science, 148:52-64. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2022.05.003 Handle
70. Doria-Barral T*, Infantes-Lorenzo JA, Moreno I, de Garnica-Garcia MG, Perez del Val B, Gortazar C, Meyer B, Portela RD, Dominguez L, Dominguez M and Balseiro A. P22 protein complex in the serodiagnosis of animal tuberculosis: Antigenic stability and cross-reactivity with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 90-91:101891. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0147-9571. Impact factor: 2.000. Category: Immunology, Quartile: 4, Position: 143 of 161. DOI: 10.1016/j.cimid.2022.101891
71. de la Fuente J*, Armas O, Barroso-Arevalo S, Gortazar C, Garcia-Seco T, Buendia A, Villanueva F, Soriano JA, Mazuecos L, Vaz-Rodrigues R, Garcia-Contreras R, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Good and bad get together: Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 in particulate matter pollution from different fuels. Science of the total environment, 844:157241. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0048-9697. Impact factor: 9.800. Category: Environmental sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 26 of 274. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157241
72. Rebollada A, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Gómez-Buendía A, Barcena C, Garcia N, Dominguez L and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Cecal Reduction of Brachyspira and Lesion Severity in Laying Hens Supplemented with Fermented Defatted ‘Alperujo’. Fermentation, 8(10), 550. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2311-5637. Impact factor: 3.700. Category: Biotechnology & applied microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 65 of 156. DOI: 10.3390/fermentation8100550 Handle
73. Agullo-Ros I, Andrada M*, Perez-Sancho M, Roy A, Bezos J, Bonnet T, Moreno I, Paz-Sanchez Y, Dominguez M, Gomez-Villamandos JC, Dominguez L and Risalde MA. Effect of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) vaccine on the lesions and immunopathology developed in target tissues of naturally MAP-infected goats. Veterinary Microbiology, 273:109543. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0378-1135. Impact factor: 3.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 11 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2022.109543
74. Juste RA, Ferreras-Colino E*, de la Fuente JM, Dominguez M, Risalde MA, Dominguez L, Cabezas-Cruz A and Gortazar C. Heat inactivated mycobacteria, alpha-Gal and zebrafish: Insights gained from experiences with two promising trained immunity inductors and a validated animal model. Immunology, 167(2):139-153. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0019-2805. Impact factor: 6.400. Category: Immunology, Quartile: 2, Position: 43 of 161. DOI: 10.1111/imm.13529
75. Teng KT*, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Moreno MA, Saez-Llorente JL, Collado S, De Frutos C, Dominguez L and Alvarez J. Patterns of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella isolates from fattening pigs in Spain. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1):333. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1746-6148. Impact factor: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-022-03377-3
76. Barroso-Arevalo S*, Sánchez-Morales L, Barasona JA, Rivera B, Sanchez R, Risalde MA, Argullo-Ros I and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Evaluation of the clinical evolution and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cats by simulating natural routes of infection. Veterinary Research Communications, 46(3):837-852. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0165-7380. Impact factor: 2.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 38 of 143. DOI: 10.1007/s11259-022-09908-5 Handle
77. Hipolito A, Garcia-Pastor L, Blanco P, Trigo de Roza F, Kieffer N, Vergara E, Jove T, Alvarez J and Escudero JA*. The expression of aminoglycoside resistance genes in integron cassettes is not controlled by riboswitches. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(15):8566-8579. 2022. (A). ISSN: 03051048. Impact factor: 14.900. Category: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Quartile: 1, Position: 10 of 285. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkac662
78. Nunez-Garcia J, Abuoun M, Storey N, Brouwer MS, Delgado-Blas JF, Mo SS, Ellaby N, Veldman KT, Haenni M, Chatre P, Madec JY, Hammerl JA, Serna-Bernaldo C, Getino M, La Ragione R, Naas T, Telke AA, Glaser A, Sunde M, Gonzalez-Zorn B, Ellington MJ and Anjum MF*. Harmonisation of in-silico next-generation sequencing based methods for diagnostics and surveillance. Scientific reports, 12(1):14372. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2045-2322. Impact factor: 4.600. Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 22 of 73. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16760-9
79. Sánchez-Morales L*, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Barroso-Arevalo S. The Omicron (B.1.1.529) SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern also affects companion animals. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:940710. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.940710
80. Fernandez-Garayzabal JF*, LaFrentz S, Casamayor A, Abarca E, Mohammed HH, Cuming RS, Arias CR, Dominguez L and Vela AI. Corynebacterium conjunctivae: A New Corynebacterium Species Isolated from the Ocular Surface of Healthy Horses. Animals, 12(14):1827. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani12141827 Handle
81. Pozo P*, Lorente-Leal V, Robbe-Austerman S, Hicks J, Stuber T, Bezos J, de Juan L, Saez-Llorente JL, Romero B, Alvarez J and on behalf of the Spanish Network on Surveillance Monitoring of Animal Tuberculosis. Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing to Unravel the Genetic Diversity of a Prevalent Mycobacterium bovis Spoligotype in a Multi-Host Scenario in Spain. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:915843. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1664-302X. Impact factor: 5.200. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 38 of 135. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.915843
82. Aldea-Ramos I, Gibello A, Hernandez M, Leekitcharoenphon P, Bortolaia V and Moreno MA*. Clonal and plasmid-mediated flow of ESBL/AmpC genes in Escherichia coli in a commercial laying hen farm. Veterinary Microbiology, 270:109453. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0378-1135. Impact factor: 3.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 11 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2022.109453 Handle
83. Ortega J, Infantes-Lorenzo JA, Roy A, de Juan L, Romero B, Moreno I, Dominguez M, Dominguez L and Bezos J*. Factors affecting the performance of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis in milk samples. Research in Veterinary Science, 145:40-45. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. Impact factor: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2022.02.008 Handle
84. Barroso-Arevalo S*, Barneto A, Ramos AM, Rivera B, Sanchez R, Sánchez-Morales L, Perez-Sancho M, Buendia A, Ferreras E, Ortiz-Menendez JC, Moreno I, Serres C, Vela C, Risalde MA, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Large-scale study on virological and serological prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in cats and dogs in Spain. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(4):e759-e774. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1865-1674. Impact factor: 4.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 7 of 143. DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14366 Handle
85. Rebollada A, Perez-Sancho M*, Rodriguez-Bertos A, Garcia N, Martinez I, Navarro A, Dominguez L and Garcia-Seco T. Environment and Offspring Surveillance in Porcine Brucellosis. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:915692. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.915692 Handle
86. Porras N, Rebollada A, Rodriguez-Franco F, Calvo-Ibbitson A and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Feline Gastrointestinal Eosinophilic Sclerosing Fibroplasia-Extracellular Matrix Proteins and TGF-β1 Immunoexpression. Veterinary sciences, 9(6):291. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2306-7381. Impact factor: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.3390/vetsci9060291
87. Polo C, Garcia-Seco T, Fernandez V, Hernandez M, Briones V, Diez-Guerrier A, Dominguez L and Perez-Sancho M*. Molecular detection of Tritrichomonas foetus in bovine samples: a novel real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeting EF1-alpha-Tf1 and a comparative study of published PCR techniques. Parasitology Research, 121(6):1725-1733. 2022. (A). ISSN: 09-0113. Impact factor: 2.000. Category: Parasitology, Quartile: 3, Position: 20 of 37. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-022-07487-7 Handle
88. Sridhara AA, Johnathan-Lee A, Elahi R, Sikar-Gang A, Lambotte P, Esfandiari J, de Juan L, Gortazar C, Marpe BN, Thacker TC, Palmer MV, Waters WR and Lyashchenko K*. Potential for improved detection of bovine tuberculosis by targeting combined blood biomarkers in multi-test algorithms. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 248:110419. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0165-2427. Impact factor: 1.800. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 40 of 143. DOI: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2022.110419
89. Hoefer A*, Herrera-Leon S, Dominguez L, Ordovas-Gavin M, Romero B, Araujo-Piedra XB, Sobrino-Calzada C, Uria-Gonzalez MJ, Herrera-Leon L and Case Study Investigation Group. Zoonotic Transmission of Diphtheria from Domestic Animal Reservoir, Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 28(6):1257-1260. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1080-6040. Impact factor: 11.800. Category: Immunology, Quartile: 1, Position: 16 of 161. DOI: 10.3201/eid2806.211956
90. Cadenas-Fernández E*, Ito S, Aguilar-Vega C, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM and Bosch J. The role of the wild boar spreading African swine fever virus in Asia: another underestimated problem. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:844209. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.844209
91. Maldonado-Barragan A*, Alegria-Carrasco E, Blanco MM, Vela AI, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF, Rodriguez JM and Gibello A. Garvicins AG1 and AG2: Two Novel Class IId Bacteriocins of Lactococcus garvieae Lg-Granada. International Journal of Molecualr Sciences, 23(9):4685. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1422-0067. Impact factor: 5.600. Category: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Quartile: 1, Position: 66 of 285. DOI: 10.3390/ijms23094685 Handle
92. Vaz-Rodrigues R, Ferreras-Colino E, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Pesciarioli M, Thomas J, Garcia-Seco T, Sevilla IA, Perez-Sancho M, Mateo R, Dominguez L, Gortazar C* and Risalde MA. Nonspecific protection of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis against Salmonella Choleraesuis infection in pigs. Veterinary Research, 53(1):31. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0928-4249. Impact factor: 4.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 6 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s13567-022-01047-8
93. Barroso-Arevalo S*, Sánchez-Morales L, Perez-Sancho M, Dominguez L and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. First Detection of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant of Concern in a Symptomatic Cat in Spain. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:841430. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.841430
94. Rebollada A, Porras N, Calvo-Ibbitson A, Rodriguez-Franco F and Rodriguez-Bertos A*. Bcl-2 Immunoexpression in Feline Epitheliotropic Intestinal T-Cell Lymphomas. Veterinary sciences, 9(4):168. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2306-7381. Impact factor: 2.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 29 of 143. DOI: 10.3390/vetsci9040168
95. Ito S*, Bosch J, Martinez-Aviles M and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. The Evolution of African Swine Fever in China: A Global Threat?. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:828498. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.828498
96. Dorrego-Rodriguez A, Serres C and Cruz F*. Taylorella asinigenitalis: raising awareness of its importance and presence in equine and asinine populations. The Veterinary Record, 190(6):e1602. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0042-4900. Impact factor: 2.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 2, Position: 38 of 143. DOI: 10.1002/vetr.1602
97. Miguela-Villoldo P*, Moreno MA, Rodriguez-Lazaro D, Gallardo A, Hernandez M, Serrano T, Saez-Llorente JL, De Frutos C, Aguero M, Quesada A, Dominguez L and Ugarte-Ruiz M. Longitudinal study of the mcr-1 gene prevalence in Spanish food-producing pigs from 1998 to 2021 and its relationship with the use of polymyxins. Porcine Health Management, 8(1):12. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2055-5660. Impact factor: 3.400. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 10 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s40813-022-00255-0
98. Samper-Cativiela C, Bernabé Diéguez B, Trigo de Roza F, Ugarte-Ruiz M, Elnekave E, Lim S, Hernandez M, Abad D, Collado S, Saez-Llorente JL, De Frutos C, Aguero M, Moreno MA, Escudero JA and Alvarez J*. Genomic characterization of multidrug-resistant Salmonella serovar Kentucky ST198 isolated in poultry flocks in Spain (2011-2017). Microbial Genomics, 8(3):000773. 2022. (A). ISSN: 257-5858. Impact factor: 3.900. Category: Genetics & Heredity, Quartile: 2, Position: 51 of 171. DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000773
99. Delgado-Blas JF, Valenzuela-Agüi C, Marin-Rodriguez E, Serna-Bernaldo C, Montero N, Setsoafia-Saba CK and Gonzalez-Zorn B*. Dissemination Routes of Carbapenem and Pan-Aminoglycoside Resistance Mechanisms in Hospital and Urban Wastewater Canalizations of Ghana. mSystems, 7(1):e0101921. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2379-5077. Impact factor: 6.400. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 1, Position: 24 of 135. DOI: 10.1128/msystems.01019-21
100. Diaz-Santana P, Fernandez A, Diaz-Delgado J, Vela AI, Dominguez L, Suarez-Santana C, Puig-Lozano R, Fernandez-Maldonado C, Sierra E* and Arbelo M. Nocardiosis in Free-Ranging Cetaceans from the Central-Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Contiguous Mediterranean Sea. Animals, 12(4):434. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2076-2615. Impact factor: 3.000. Category: Agriculture, dairy & animal science, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 62. DOI: 10.3390/ani12040434 Handle
101. Frances-Cuesta C, Ansari I, Fernandez-Garayzabal JF, Gibello A and Gonzalez-Candelas F*. Comparative genomics and evolutionary analysis of Lactococcus garvieae isolated from human endocarditis. Microbial Genomics, 8(2):000771. 2022. (A). ISSN: 257-5858. Impact factor: 3.900. Category: Genetics & Heredity, Quartile: 2, Position: 51 of 171. DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000771 Handle
102. Gonzalez-Martin JV, Perez-Villalobos N*, Patron-Collantes R, Gonzalez-Fernandez J and Vela AI. Outbreak of acute highly lethal phlegmon in the pharynx, associated with a new Pasteurella multocida MLST type ST63, in a limousine herd. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 10(2):e274. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2052-6121. Impact factor: 0.300. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 34 of 144. DOI: 10.1002/vrc2.274
103. Lorente-Leal V, Liandris E, Bezos J, Perez-Sancho M, Romero B* and de Juan L. MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry as a Rapid Screening Alternative for Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial Species Identification in the Veterinary Laboratory. Frontiers in veterinary science, 9:827702. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2297-1769. Impact factor: 3.200. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 12 of 143. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.827702
104. Ortega J, Roy A, Díaz-Castillo A, de Juan L, Romero B, Saez-Llorente JL, Dominguez L, Regal P, Infantes-Lorenzo JA, Alvarez J and Bezos J*. Effect of the topical administration of corticosteroids and tuberculin pre-sensitisation on the diagnosis of tuberculosis in goats. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1):58. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1746-6148. Impact factor: 2.600. Category: Veterinary Sciences, Quartile: 1, Position: 21 of 143. DOI: 10.1186/s12917-022-03156-0
105. de la Torre A, Bosch J, Sanchez-Vizcaino JM, Ito S, Munoz-Perez C, Iglesias-Martin I and Martinez-Aviles M*. African Swine Fever Survey in a European Context. Pathogens, 11(2):137. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2076-0817. Impact factor: 3.700. Category: Microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 62 of 135. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens11020137 Handle
106. Hegazy Y, Abdel-Hamid N, Eldahiey M, Oreiby A, Algaabary M, Hamdy M, Beleta E, Martinez I, Shahein M, Garcia N and Eltholth M*. Trans-species transmission of Brucellae among ruminants hampering brucellosis control efforts in Egypt. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 132(1):90-100. 2022. (A). ISSN: 1364-5072. Impact factor: 4.000. Category: Biotechnology & applied microbiology, Quartile: 2, Position: 55 of 156. DOI: 10.1111/jam.15173 Handle

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