Young Researchers of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (JISEM) is an initiative promoted by the Specialized Group of Teaching and Dissemination (D + D) from Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM).
The goal of this group is facilitate access and promote research in Microbiology among final-cycle students, as well as foster relationship among others young researchers of the SEM.
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Publications and interviews
- MicroJoven section of the monthly newsletter NewsSEM
- Collaborations in SEM @ forum. Don't miss the interviews on video!
- Participation in the organization of the Course of Initiation to Research in Microbiology Professor J. R. Villanueva of the SEM
- Contributions to the FEMS Opportunity Board - FEMS Opportunities Board
- Participation in #laSEMrespondeCOVID19 on Twitter about COVID-19
Employment and scholarship notice
We spread all the job offers and scholarships that fall into our hands.
To keep up to date you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, FEMS Opportunities Board - Jobs, and do not stop subscribing to the news in Job vacancies and Scholarships on this website.
Contributions to congresses and meetings
- Activity of mentoring at the XVII SEM Congress. Malaga, 2019.
- Communication at the XXVI National Congress of Microbiology and FEMS 2017 Congress. Valencia. 2017.
- II Meeting of Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology. Leioa, 2016.
- Communication and youth activity in the II Meeting D + D SEM. Alicante, 2014.
- Communication at the XXIV SEM Microbiology Congress. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 2013.
Training resources
Researcher career path in Spain at a glance! (6th edition, 2023, FECYT)
Normalized Curriculum Vitae (CVN). FECYT.
Researchers Beyond Academia mentoring program (REBECA)
ECRcentral: A central platform for early career researchers community
Do you have a proposal for the group in mind? Would you like to coordinate any of the activities that we carry out?
Participate and send us your opinion and your proposals for the group