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Welcome to Microbiology Teaching and Diffusion Group (D + DM) of the Spanish Society of Microbiology (SEM).

Our group was created on January 29, 2010, making reality what different members of the SEM had already raised on several occasions: the need to direct the attention of our society to the problem of teaching of Microbiology, as well as the dissemination of our science. The first Board of Directors was constituted during the XXIII National Congress of Microbiology (Salamanca, 2011) and our first assembly was held.

The OBJECTIVES of the group we divide them into:


  • Promote the development and exchange of resources and teaching materials and dissemination of Microbiology in an open way.
  • Organize periodic biennial meetings of the group and within the framework of SEM congresses.
  • Collaborate in updating our social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Organize biennial photography contests. Generate an annual calendar with the most voted photos
  • Organize other contests such as microscopic stories


  • Prepare the map of the teaching offer in Microbiology in Spanish universities.
  • Define a set of contents and basic competences of Microbiology at the level of undergraduate studies.
  • Promote a discussion forum on teaching issues open to SEM members.
  • Collaborate in the organization of Introductory Courses to Microbiology.
  • Coordinate the "Small World Initiative" initiative in Spain.
  • Coordinate SEM communication with FEMS Education


  • Analyze the dissemination of topics related to Microbiology in the media and influence the accuracy of said information.
  • Organize and participate in dissemination activities of Microbiology.

Group D + DM is a cross group within it SEM. Being aware that many members of the SEM develop different quality and interesting activities related to the objectives of this group, we want to encourage you to use the framework offered by our group to develop all your initiatives in teaching and dissemination of microbiology.

Cheer up to participate!

Board of Directors of the D + DM Group

Victor Jimenez Cid
Dept. of Microbiology and Parasitology. Faculty of Pharmacy. Complutense University of Madrid.
Vice president
Manuel Sánchez-Angulo
Department of Plant Production and Microbiology, Torrepinet Building, Elche Campus, Miguel Hernández University, Elche (Alicante)
Secretary / Treasurer
Cristina Sánchez-Porro Álvarez
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville.
Jessica Gil Serna
Department of Genetics, Physiology and Microbiology. Faculty of Biological Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid.
Raul Rivas Gonzalez
Department of Microbiology and Genetics. University of Salamanca.
Iñigo Lasa
Microbial Pathogenesis Laboratory, Navarrabiomed-Public University of Navarra (UPNA)-University Hospital of Navarra (HUN), IdiSNA, Pamplona, ​​Navarra.
Ignacio López-Goñi
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology. Director of the Science Museum. University of Navarra
Ainhoa ​​Lucía Quintana
Mycobacteria Genetics Group. Department of Microbiology, Pediatrics, Radiology and Public Health. Faculty of Medicine. University of Zaragoza
Susana Campoy Sanchez
Department of Genetics and Microbiology. Autonomous University of Barcelona
Samuel Garcia Huete
Biology of Spirochetes Unit, Department of Microbiology, Institut Pasteur. Paris, France.

Name Organism
Abecia Aliende, Leticia University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Ainsa Claver, José Antonio Zaragoza's University
Alapont Gutiérrez, Cristina Generalitat Valenciana - Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health
Álvarez De Cienfuengos López, Gerardo Jaen University
Andrade Gracia, Maria Jesus University of Extremadura
Andrés González, Victor Complutense University of Madrid
Anguiano Vara, Ines Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)
Antón Botella, Josefa University of Alicante
Araiz Gómez, Antonio Zaragoza's University
Arana Basabe, Inés University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Araujo Jimenez, Armando Antenor Orrego Private University
Argandona Bertrán, Montserrat Sevilla University
Argüelles Ordóñez, Juan C. University of Murcia
Arias Peñalver, José María University of Granada
Arregui García-Roves, Lucia Complutense University of Madrid
Aznar Novella, Rosa University of Valencia
Baña García, Zuriñe University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU)
Baquero Artigao, Mª Rosario Alfonso X El Sabio University
Barbé García, Jorge Autonomous University of Barcelona
Basco and López De Lerma, Ricardo Extremadura joint
Baston Paz, Natalia Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
Belda Aguilar, Ignacio Complutense University of Madrid
Berlanga Herranz, Mercedes University of Barcelona
Bikandi Bikandi, Joseba University of the Basque Country
Blanco Gutiérrez, Maria del Mar Complutense University of Madrid
Bonofiglio, Laura Buenos Aires' University
Borrego Moré, Carles Girona University
Bosch Zaragoza, Rafael Balearic Islands University
Campoy Sánchez, Susana Autonomous University of Barcelona
Canha Gouveia, Analuce University of Granada
Carballo Rodríguez, Julia University of Vigo
Caviedes Formento, Miguel Angel Sevilla University
Cazorla López, Francisco M. Malaga University
Cebrián Sastre, Esmeralda Superior Council of Scientific Investigations
Cid Blanco, Angeles University of A Coruña
Sanchez City, Antonia University of Extremadura
Colom Valiente, Francisca Miguel Hernández University
Conde Alvarez, Raquel university of Navarra
Corral Villa, Paulina University of Naples Federico II
Cortés Garmendia, María Pilar Autonomous University of Barcelona
Couceiro Núñez, Noelia .
Cutuli De Simón, Teresa Complutense University of Madrid
D'arrigo Huapaya, Matilde Honorina Extremadura joint
by Llanos Frutos, Rosa Jaume I University
de los Reyes Ramos, Cristina Castilla-La Mancha university
By Miguel Bouzas, Trinidad University of Santiago de Compostela
Diaz Del Toro, Silvia Computense University of Madrid
Díaz Martínez, Margarita University of Salamanca
Domínguez Olavarri, Angel University of Salamanca
Dzunkova, Maria University of Valencia
Eraso Barrio, Elena Universities of the Basque Country/Basque Country Heriiko
Escolano Sánchez, Jordi -
Escudero Garcia-Calderon, Jose Antonio Complutense University of Madrid
Espuny Gómez, María del Rosario Sevilla University
Esteve Sánchez, Consuelo University of Valencia
Farfán Sellarés, Maribel University of Barcelona
Farto Seguín, Rosa Mª University of Vigo
Fernndez Abalos, Jose Manuel University of Salamanca
Fernández Calderón, Mª Coronada University of Extremadura
Fernandez Castillo, Rosario Sevilla University
Ferrándiz Avellano, María José Carlos III Health Institute
Ferrer Rodriguez, Consuelo Miguel Hernandez University
Flament Simon, Saskia University of Santiago de Compostela
Fouz Rodríguez, Bethlehem University of Valencia
Fusté Domínguez, Ester University of Barcelona
Ricart's Gaju, Nuria Autonomous University of Barcelona
Gallego Parrilla, José Jesús Newcastle University
Gallego Rodriguez, Violeta CSIC-UAM
Gálvez Del Postigo Ruiz, Antonio Jaen University
García De Fernando Minguillón, Gonzalo Complutense University of Madrid
Garcia Herranz, Maria Soledad Madrid's community
Garcia Huete, Samuel Pastor Institute
Garcia Lobo, Juan Maria University of cantabria
García López, Alejandro Complutense University of Madrid
Garcia Martinez, Maria Teresa University of Cordoba
Garcia Roldan, Alicia Sevilla University
Garcia Rosado, Esther Malaga University
García Ruiz, Ana M. Polytechnic University Madrid
Garcia-Lara, Jorge University of Sheffield
Gegúndez Cámara, María Isabel University of Alcalá
Getino Alonso, Luis University of Leon
Gibert González, Isidre Autonomous University of Barcelona
Gil Serna, Jessica Complutense University of Madrid
Gola, Susanne University of Applied Sciences
Gómez Lucia and Duato, Esperanza Complutense University
Gomez Sanchez, Noelia Miguel Hernández University
Gonzalez Benitez, Natalia Rey Juan Carlos University
González Biosca, Elena University of Valencia
González Fandos, Mª Elena University of La Rioja
González Fernández, David Navarre University
González Martín, Margarita Las Palmas G.C. University
González dating in Zorn, Bruno Complutense University of Madrid
Grossi Andrade, Maria Clara Complutense University of Madrid
Guerrero Moreno, Ricardo Institute of Catalan Studies
Guillen Martin, Paz Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (FISABIO)
Gutiérrez Fernández, Juan Carlos Complutense University of Madrid
Haro Hidalgo, Rosario Polytechnic University Madrid
Hernandez Del Amo, Elena Autonomous University of Barcelona
Hernando Ospina, Natalia Complutense University of Madrid
Herrera Rodríguez, Daniel Castilla-La Mancha university
Herrero López, Concepcion University of A Coruña
Hidalgo Huertas, Aurelio Autonomous University of Madrid
Hierro Vega, Fernando del Foreign Health Laboratory
Hurtado Negreiros, Juan Carlos Clinical Hospital of Barcelona
Left-Good Queen, Immaculate Cadiz University
Jiménez Cid, Victor Complutense University of Madrid
Jiménez de Juan, David University of Leon
Jimenez Guerra, Gemma SAS
Jiménez Lalana, Diego Esteban Superior Council of Scientific Investigations
Juárez Jiménez, Bethlehem University of Granada
Julián Gómez, Esther Autonomous University of Barcelona
Larriba Calle, Germán University of Extremadura
Lemos Ramos, Manuel L. Santiago Compostela University
Leon Barrios, Milagros University of La Laguna
Flight Polberg, Michal University of Leon
Lizarraga Mozo, Mª Camino Serv. of the Comarca de Pamplona, ​​S.A.
Llagostera Casas, Montserrat Autonomous University of Barcelona
Llamas Company, Immaculate University of Granada
López Cuesta, Mª Carmen University of Salamanca
Lopez Diaz, Teresa Maria University of Leon
López Goñi, Ignacio university of Navarra
Lopez Sanchez, Aroa Pablo de Olavide University-CSIC
Lucena Reyes, Teresa University of Valencia Science Park
Lucia Quintana, Ainhoa Zaragoza's University
Madrid Mateo, Maria Isabel University of Murcia
Maicas Prieto, Sergi University of Valencia
Manzanera Ruiz, Maximino University of Granada
Maqueda Abreu, Mercedes University of Granada
Marín Palma, Mª Dolores Autonomous University of Madrid
Martín Brieva, Humberto Complutense University of Madrid
Martín Cuadrado, Ana Belén University of Alicante
Martin Gonzalez, Ana Maria Complutense University of Madrid
Martin Rosique, Rebeca Oviedo University
Martín Sánchez, Inés University of Granada
Martinez Bonilla, Adrian Autonomous University of Madrid
Martinez Well, Manuel University of Granada
Martínez Cañamero, Magdalena Jaen University
Martínez López, José University of Granada
Martinez Lozano, Jose Manuel Autonomous University of Madrid
Martínez Malax-Etxebarria, Irati UPV / EHU
Martínez Viñas, Mª José University of Barcelona
Martínez-Checa Barrero, Fernando José University of Granada
Masqueraque Martin, Victoria Complutense University of Madrid
Mateo Alesanco, Estibaliz UPV / EHU
Mateo Tolosa, Jose Juan University of Valencia
Melguizo Avila, Clara Complutense University of Madrid
Merino Martin, Luis Rey Juan Carlos University
Miñana Galbis, David Barcelona University
Molina Guijarro, Jose Manuel University of Alcalá
Molina Martin, Maria Complutense University of Madrid
Monteoliva Diaz, Lucia Complutense University of Madrid
Montero Ordóñez, Ignacio Oviedo University
Mora Gutierrez, Azucena University of Santiago de Compostela
Moral García, A. Isabel del University of Granada
Morcillo Parra, Maria de los Angeles CNRS
Moreno Amador, Maria de Lourdes Sevilla University
Moreno Gómez, Diego Alejandro Polytechnic University of Madrid
Moriñigo Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel Malaga University
Moriyón Uria, Ignacio university of Navarra
Muras Mora, Andrea INHIBIT
Nogales Fernandez, Balbina Balearic Islands University
Olivera-Ardid, Sara IDIBELL
Orruño Beltrán, Maite Universidad País Vasco/University of the Basque Country
Orús Pérez, Pilar
Otal Gil, Isabel Zaragoza's University
Pacheco Dominguez, Pablo University of Extremadura
Pajuelo Domingez, Eloisa Sevilla University
Palomino Cano, Carmen university of Navarra
Papaspyrou, Socrates Cadiz University
Pardo Cubillos, Mª Isabel University of Valencia
Pascual Ortiz, Marina CEU Cardenal Herrera University
Patiño Álvarez, Belén Complutense University of Madrid
Pelaez Andres, Ana Isabel Oviedo University
Pereira Calvo-Villamanán, Alicia CSIC
Pérez Álvarez, María José University of Vigo
Pérez García, Alejandro Malaga University
Pérez Gracia, Mª Teresa CEU Cardenal Herrera University
Pérez Nieto, Mª Teresa University of Vigo
Perez Rodriguez, Aitzol UPV / EHU
Pérez Uz, Mª Blanca Complutense University of Madrid
Pina Perez, Maria Consuelo University of Valencia
Pla Alonso, Jesus Complutense University of Madrid
Po Catalao Donisio, Lidia University of Algarve
Prior White, Alice college
Pujalte Domarco, Mª Jesus University of Valencia
Quesada Arroquia, Emilia University of Granada
Quindós Andrés, Guillermo University of the Basque Country
Quisberth Barrera, Sergio Rodrigo University of San Andres
Ramos Vivas, José HUMV-IFIMAV
Rementeria Ruiz, Aitor UPV / EHU
Rico Vidal, Hortensia University of Valencia
Rivas González, Raúl Salamanca University
Rodríguez Calleja, José Mª University of Leon
Rodríguez Escudero, Mª Isabel Complutense University of Madrid
Rodríguez Fernández, Carmina Complutense University of Madrid
Rodríguez Gabriel, Miguel Ángel Autonomous University of Madrid
Rodriguez Iglesias, Manuel Cadiz University
Rodríguez Lázaro, David Burgos University
Rodríguez López, Luis Alfonso University of Vigo
Roman Gonzalez, Elvira Complutense University of Madrid
Rosa Jorge, Carmen de la Complutense University of Madrid
Royo Llonch, Marta Superior Council of Scientific Investigations
Ruiz Arahal, David University of Valencia
Ruiz De La Haba, Rafael Sevilla University
Sabariegos Jareño, Mª del Rosario Castilla La Mancha University (UCLM)
Sacristán Pérez-Minayo, Gonzalo Burgos University
Sala Marti, Núria University of Lleida
Salvadó Cabré, Humbert University of Barcelona
Sampaio-Maia, Benedita University of Porto
Sánchez Angulo, Manuel Miguel Hernández University
Sanchez Pellicer, Pedro
Sánchez Poza, Sandra University of Santiago Compostela
Sánchez Reillo, Cesar Springer Nature
Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina Sevilla University
Sangari García, Félix Javier Cantabria University
Santos Romero, Beatriz University of Salamanca
Santos Sánchez, Fernando University of Alicante
Sanz Santamaria, Ana Belen Complutense University of Madrid
Seco Martín, Elena M. CSIC
Sempere García, Julio Carlos III Health Institute
Serrano Andres, Maria Jesus University of Zaragoza-Agrifood Institute of Aragon
Serrano Barrero, Susana Complutense University of Madrid
Seseña Prieto, Susana UCLM
Sevilla García, Mª Jesús University of the Basque Country
Sevillano Peña, Elena University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Sheth Shah, Chirag CEU Cardenal Herrera University
Simon Soro, Aurea Sevilla University
Soler Lloréns, Pedro Francisco Magapor SL
Solera Del Rio, Rosario Cadiz University
Soto Pino, Teresa University of Murcia
Soto Varela, Zamira Elena Simon Bolivar University
Suárez Fernández, Juan Evaristo Oviedo University
Tarin, Antonio college
Tartilán Choya, Beatriz University of Salamanca
Tejedor Junco, Mª Teresa University of Las Palmas G.C.
Thomas Lopez, Daniel European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Torrella Mateu, Francisco University of Murcia
Torres Bejar, Marta Microbial Exopolysaccharides Group
Urmeneta Masó, Jordi University of Barcelona
Vadillo Machota, Santiago University of Extremadura
Valderrama Conde, Mª José Complutense University of Madrid
Valle Manzano, Jorge University of Extremadura
Vega, Santiago CEU Cardenal Herrera University
Vela Alonso, Ana Isabel Complutense University of Madrid
Sucker Ucero, Antonio Sevilla University
Vera Gargallo, Blanca Sevilla University
Verdu Exposito, Cristina University of Alcalá
Veses Jiménez, Veronica CEU-Cardenal Herrera University
Viceroy Jover, Begonya Universitat Jaume I
Vicente Moreno, Antonio de Malaga University
Vicente Soler, Jerónima University of Murcia
Vidal Roig, Mª Dolors UCLM
Vila Portela, Xavier University of Girona
Villalobo Polo, Eduardo Sevilla University
Villalon Melo, Altea University of Vigo
Villar de Pablo, Mar CSIC
Vitas Pemán, Ana Isabel university of Navarra
Yero Corona, Daniel Autonomous University of Barcelona
Zafra Amorós, Olga Francisco de Vitoria University
Zaragoza Hernández, Oscar Carlos III Health Institute

Youth GroupSEM Researchers - JISEM
Responsible: Ignacio Belda

This working group arose with the idea of ​​promoting, disseminating and facilitating access to research in Microbiology for students in their final cycles as well as the relationship between researchers in their early scientific stages. It is an autonomous group within our group. For information, click here.

The teaching map of Spanish Microbiology
Responsible: Montserrat Llagostera <>

The objective of this group is to collect data on the offer of subjects in the field of Microbiology in the official degrees and master's degrees offered in the different Spanish universities, in order to study the educational panorama of Microbiology and generate proposals on the content of related subjects. For more information, click here: Microbiology Map


Coordination of teaching resources
Responsible: Víctor Jiménez Cid <>

The Group intends to stimulate the development of teaching tools created by Microbiologists, collect them and publicize them among the partners for their sharing. The group will be responsible for seeking evaluators to confirm that these tools, whatever their format (image, text, video, audio, web environment, blog ...) have sufficient pedagogical value and scientific rigor to be endorsed by the D + Group D SEM.


Microbiology on the web
Responsible: Manuel Sánchez Angulo <>

The objectives of the group are:
- Collect and disseminate news of microbiological interest that have appeared in the media and, where appropriate, correct or warn about possible errors and inaccuracies. - Disseminate the most outstanding results in the field of Microbiology.
- Promote on the web and on social networks the informative and educational activities carried out by the members of the SEM.
- Present and debate teaching methodology proposals to be used in the current information society.


Photographic file
Responsible parties: Dolo Vidal and Manuel Sánchez Angulo

The objective of this group is to create an image archive on the SEM website, which collects microphotographs of microorganisms, photographs of cultures and various techniques used in Microbiology. Representative images of the history of Microbiology, and in particular the history of SEM, will also be included. This file will be freely accessible, for educational purposes. If you want to contribute images to the SEM repository, contact us.


Scientific dissemination of the SEM
Responsible: Guillermo Quindós <>

El objetivo principal de este grupo es identificar y promover la difusión de los principales logros científicos de los miembros de los grupos especializados de la SEM. Este objetivo se pretende alcanzar actuando como nexo entre los responsables de los medios de difusión de la SEM (SEM@foro, anteriormente denominado Actualidad SEM, NoticiaSEM, y las páginas en redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter, etc.) y los grupos especializados. Además se promoverá la creación de nuevos canales de divulgación y el contacto activo con los medios de comunicación externos a la SEM (periódicos, radio, televisión, etc.) para aumentar esta difusión. El grupo coordinará su labor con otros grupos de trabajo y de forma más estrecha con los de "Microbiología en la web" y "Microbiología y Televisión".


Coordination with FEMS-Education

Responsible: Kika Colom Valiente <>


History of Spanish microbiology

Responsible: Alfonso V. Carrascosa Santiago

The fundamental objective of this working group is to promote the study, dissemination and teaching of the History of Microbiology developed in Spain since the beginning of this scientific discipline. The Spanish Society of Microbiology previously started this activity, focusing on microbiologists directly related to it. In this new stage, this line will continue, trying to incorporate knowledge that will allow disseminating the trajectory of SEM from its origins and that of other institutions and researchers that have allowed us to get to where we are in the microbiological field at an international level.


Resources on History of Microbiology carried out by the Department of Microbiology. Pharmacy faculty. University of Granada. Content coordinator: Victoria Béjar


Microbiology and Immunology Resources carried out by the Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology Department of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU)


Microbial diversity carried out by the Department of Microbiology of the University of Granada.

Online course on the environment Open CourseWare from the University of the Basque Country: How to solve practical aspects of Microbiology, OCW [2012/05]


Online course on the environment Open CourseWare from the University of the Basque Country: Molecular techniques for the detection and control of pathogenic bacteria, OCW [2010/03]



Microbiology Map in Spanish universities. Coordinated by Montserrat Llagostera. V1.



Victor Jimenez Cid <>
Cristina Sánchez-Porro Álvarez <>
If you have any educational resource related to microbiology or any news / event and you want to spread it, or a project or research group, do not hesitate to contact us. Also if you want to contribute photographic resources related to microbiology.


Who can become a member of the D + DM group? Any member of the SEM can be a member. Visit this link to know the advantages of belonging to the Spanish Society of Microbiology.

How to become a member of the D + DM group? Informing the SEM Secretariat and paying 6 euros (they will be added to your current annual SEM fee).


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Privacy Policy

This website is owned by the SPANISH SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY, whose identification data are the following:

  • Center for Biological Research (CIB-CSIC)
  • c / Ramiro de Maeztu, 9 28040 Madrid.
  • Phone. 91 561 33 81 - Fax. 91 561 32 99
  • National Registry of Associations with the national number 579
  • CIF: G28648871


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The personal data provided through the Website will be processed by SEM in accordance with the following purposes:

  • Manage and process the registration requests of new members, from the "new members" forms, as well as manage the fees and derived charges.
  • Periodically send members, including by electronic means, information, events or news that may be of interest to them, if the future member gives their consent by checking the corresponding check box, or, where appropriate, opposes or revokes their consent.


SEM will process the following categories of User data:

  • Identification data: name, surname and ID.
  • Contact information: postal address, email address and telephone.
  • Professional data: workplace and professional contact details.
  • Academic data: degree and specialization.
  • Billing information.


The treatment of the User's data by the SEM is based on the consent that is requested and that you can withdraw at any time. However, in case of withdrawing your consent, this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously.
The consents obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent so that the User may revoke only one of them, not affecting the others.


The data of the partners may be communicated to the following companies in the cases indicated:

• To the corresponding banking entities in order to manage the collection of direct debit bills.

The User's data will not be communicated to any other entity, except legal obligation.


The User and the Candidate for membership:
- Guarantees that you are over 18 years of age and that the data you provide to the SEM is true, accurate, complete and updated. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the veracity of all the data that he communicates and will keep the information provided suitably updated, in such a way that it responds to his real situation.
- You will be responsible for the false or inaccurate information that you provide through the Website and for the direct or indirect damages that this causes to the SEM or to third parties.


One of the purposes for which the SEM processes the personal data provided by Users is to send them electronic communications with information related to congresses and other events, grant programs, scientific dissemination, awards or relevant news for the recipients.
In the event that the recipient wishes to stop receiving informative communications from the SEM, they can request the cancellation of the service by sending an email to or by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link included in the communications.


The User can send a letter at any time and free of charge to the SEM, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB-CSIC) - c / Ramiro de Maeztu, 9 28040 Madrid, attaching a photocopy of their identity document, to request their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, portability of your data.
You can also complain to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, through the following address: Spanish Agency for Data Protection, C / Jorge Juan, 6, 28001-Madrid, when the interested party considers that the SEM has violated the rights that They are recognized by the applicable regulations on data protection.


The SEM will treat the data of Users, Candidates and Partners at all times in an absolutely confidential manner and keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting technical measures and measures for this purpose. necessary organizational measures that guarantee the security of your data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.

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