SEM @ forum
Publications > SEM@forum
WITHOUT FORUM represents the fourth period of the Bulletin that the SEM publishes every six months.
In line with previous stages, its main objective is to maintain communication between the partners and offer them a direct way of participation. WITHOUT FORUM offers its pages for the publication of reviews, opinion articles, and even some original works that have enough general interest, especially in the informative field. As a complement to these scientific contents, reviews of articles published in the main magazines and book reviews will be published. What's more, WITHOUT FORUM It is intended to be the forum in which the activities of the Society and its Specialized Groups are presented and discussed: Scholarships, Courses, Competitions, Awards, Congresses, Meetings, Theses, Reports of the Group Presidents and above all, Current issues.
In order to promote plurality and increase the representativeness of the different branches of our science, WITHOUT FORUM In this new stage, it will have an Editorial Committee made up of a panel of Partners whose mission will be to promote the dissemination of the scientific activity of its Groups and coordinate the editorial work in consensus. If you have been a member of the SEM for more than five years and are interested in belonging to this Editorial Committee, do not hesitate to contact him Director. WITHOUT FORUM edita special numbers dedicated to a specific topic, which may be related to the activity of a Specialized Group of the SEM or to a topic of special interest proposed by the Members. To request the edition of a special issue should contact the Director or members of the Editorial Committee. For more immediate information, however, the SEM has the SEM News on-line Bulletin, as well as a presence on social networks. For all this to be a reality, the collaboration of all Partners is essential.
Instructions for authors
Publication of Articles
WITHOUT FORUM publishes reviews, opinion articles and short original works of scientific dissemination, always in the field of Microbiology.
If you want to post on WITHOUT FORUM contact the Director in advance. WITHOUT FORUM does not undertake to publish articles submitted without prior agreement.
Contributions must be written in Spanish, and the bibliography format will respect the rules of INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY. They must be sent electronically (e-mail) in one of the most common word processors (MSWord®…), or in RTF format.
The images, in black and white or shades of gray, must be supplied ready to be reproduced, with the width of one column (8.5 cm) or two (17.5 cm). Electronic submission is recommended, in JPG or TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch at the size at which they are to be reproduced. If the figure contains graphics, the minimum acceptable resolution is 600 dpi. Drawings or images in PowerPoint® or Word® are not suitable.
The reviews they must be made by experts in the field, and elaborated in such a way that they reflect the opinion of the authors, not being limited to a mere description of the current state of research on that topic: the objective is easy understanding by microbiologists who are not specialists in he. The text should not exceed 3,000 words, and the bibliography should be limited to 5-10 citations, chosen to allow the reader to go deeper into the matter. It is advisable to attach a photo and a brief resume to make yourself known to readers.
The opinion articles, with an approximate length of about 1000 words, can refer to various aspects of Microbiology, including its relationship with society and thought, as well as other related sciences. They can be a response to other articles published in this same medium, in order to establish a debate or specify some aspects.
The popular articles With an approximate length of about 1000 words, they will be written in the format of a short note, without dividing into sections, and will contain a maximum of 2 figures or tables and 10 references. The topics must have a sufficiently general interest, and their acceptance will depend on a prior independent review by the Director o Editorial Committee.
The publication of articles on History of Microbiology, especially in the Spanish and Latin American environment, with an emphasis on contributions on the scientific activity of microbiologists and Microbiological Societies in Latin American countries Hispanic.
The article reviews for the section “Our Science” They will correspond to works published in the last six months, notable for their scientific relevance, novelty or their contribution to the advancement of the field. The reviewed articles will be signed by a member of the SEM and must be published at the time of receipt of the review. These reviews occupy one page, so their maximum length is 400 words. If desired, the reviews can be accompanied by a figure (as long as it does not exceed the limit of one page). Reviews must include the following information: Title of the review, Author, complete bibliographical reference of the article being reviewed. If the author wishes, he can provide his contact email.
Doctoral theses
WITHOUT FORUM publishes summaries of Doctoral Theses carried out by members of the SEM.
They must be sent to the SEM Secretariat o al Director by e-mail, following the format: Title, Author, Director (s), Center of realization, Center of presentation (if different) and Abstract (maximum, about 200 words).
WITHOUT FORUM reserves the right not to publish the information if the abstract is excessively long or the subject of the work is not sufficiently related to Microbiology.
WITHOUT FORUM will publish free announcements of events scheduled with sufficient advance notice, such as Congresses, Workshops and Courses, as long as they are of general interest to the microbiological community and involve SEM partners.
Other more immediate announcements, such as job offers, etc., should be directed to News SEM, which is published monthly.
Announcements will be sent to the SEM Secretariat, preferably by email.
WITHOUT FORUM In both printed and electronic form, it accepts advertising on scientific, educational and professional aspects that may be of interest to microbiologists.
Interested companies should contact the SEM Treasurer directly or through the SEM Secretariat.
Center for Biological Research (CIB-CSIC) – c / Ramiro de Maeztu, 9
28040 Madrid (Spain)
(+34) 686 71 65 08
Receive SEM@FORO!
SEM members who wish to have access to the magazine INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY (quarterly) and WITHOUT FORUM (semi-annual), you can receive a free paper copy by requesting it from the SEM Secretariat.
They also have access to scholarships and grants, and to special rates for attending their congresses.