June 2011
Publications > SEM @ forum > June 2011

Summary No. 51
"In memoriam": Lorenzo de la Hoz Perales - Juan A. Ordoñez
Meetings and Congresses
Meeting of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity Group in Seville. David Ruiz Arahal and Antonio Ventosa
XVII National Congress of Food Microbiology. David Rodríguez Lazaro
VIII Meeting of the Molecular Microbiology Group. Maria Molina
Especial "Grupo Especializado de Protistología"
Presentation of the Specialized Group of Protistology. Ana Martin Gonzalez and Aurelius Serrano Thin
cryptic biodiversity. Genoveva F. Esteban, Bland J. Findlay, Francisco Guerrero, Francisco Jiménez-Gómez, Gema Parra, Andréa Galotti, and José Luis Olmo
Inorganic pyrophosphate, a key metabolite for sustainable bioenergetics under chronic stress conditions in prokaryotes, protists and plants. Aurelio Serrano
Ecology, biotechnological applications and systematics of protists. Lucía Arregui, Pilar Calvo, Almudena Guinea, Mercedes Martín-Cereceda, Blanca Pérez-Uz, Humbert Salvadó and Susana Serrano
Identification and characterization of new therapeutic strategies for the control of protozoan diseases. Dolores González Pacanowska and Luis M. Ruiz Pérez
Cellular and molecular biology of microbial stress: ciliates as a model. Juan Carlos Gutierrez and Ana Martin-Gonzalez
Applicability of microalgae in contamination studies of aquatic systems. Angeles Cid White
Marine toxic dinoflagellates: ecological, sanitary and phylogenetic aspects. Beatriz Reguera and Irma Marin