June 2017
Publications > SEM @ forum > June 2017

Summary No. 63
> June 2016- Antonio Ventosa
> December 2011
Postage stamps commemorating Microbiology Congresses - Juan J. Borrego
Spain regulates access in situ and from the site to its genetic resources - Aurora Zuzuarregui Miró and Rosa Aznar Novella
Meetings and Congresses
XV WORKSHOP “Rapid methods and automation in food microbiology” - Josep Yuste Puigvert and Marta Capellas Puig
Evaluation of the biotechnological and environmental potential of ligninolytic microorganisms (actinobacteria and fungi) and their enzymatic systems - Maria Enriqueta Arias
Microbial Enzymes for Industrial Application - Francisco Javier Pastor and Pilar Diaz
MEDINA: Microbial diversity and natural products - Olga Genilloud
Molecular Biology of Corynebacteria - Luis M. Mateos and Jose A. Gil
INBIOTEC. Microbial biotechnology applied to the pharmaceutical, agri-food and environmental industries - Carlos Barreiro
CIEMAT biofuels unit group - Mercedes Ballesteros
Biotechnology for the use of lignocellulosic biomass - Alicia Prieto, Susana Waiter
The marine bacteria Mediterranean marinomonas as a study model: from the synthesis of melanins to the analysis of a new CRISPR-Cas system - Antonio Sánchez-Amat and Patricia Lucas-Elío
Group of biosynthesis of bioactive compounds by microorganisms (BIOMIC) - Jose Antonio Salas Fernandez and Carmen Mendez Fernandez
Gene regulation in Streptomyces - Ramon Santamaria, Margarita Diaz
Microbial and Food Biotechnology - Tomas G. Villa, Pilar Calo Mata and Jorge Barros Velázquez
Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology: Microorganisms and bioactive microbial products - Carmen Sieiro Vázquez