SEM Newsletter
Publications > Historical Publications > Informative Bulletin of the SEM
In December 1972, two prominent partners of the SEM, the professor at the University of Salamanca, Julio R. Villanueva, and one of his closest collaborators, Federico Uruburu, launched a company that still exists today. It consisted of a simple newsletter, the Newsletter of the Spanish Society of Microbiology, of 11 pages, which was sent by mail (postal) to the members of the SEM, distributed throughout Spain. The original was written on a typewriter (typewriter), and copied by cyclostil, or duplicator (an instrument for reproducing texts current at the time). Its objectives were clearly indicated on the first page: to serve as a communication vehicle between Spanish microbiologists and keep them informed of news, meetings, activities, etc., of interest to SEM members, both from Spain and from the Company itself, as well as those that may come from abroad. The bulletin had eight more issues (February, May, September and November 1973; March and July 1974; and January and May 1975), always carried out by the two founders, from the Department of Microbiology-CSIC of the Faculty of Sciences from the University of Salamanca. Fulfilling at all times to the full satisfaction of the partners the objectives for which it had been created.
The nine Bulletins from the first period (1972-1975) have been digitized by Mercedes Berlanga from the University of Barcelona.