Pioneers of Microbiology
The society > Pioneers of Microbiology
Pioneers of Microbiology / Microbiology in Latin America
The Spanish Society of Microbiology has always had great interest –and you think it should be one of your main goals– in collaborating with the countries of Latin America in very diverse aspects related to the promotion and development of microbiology. The SEM has been a member of the Latin American Association of Microbiology (ALAM) since 2008 and has participated since 2004 in its biennial congresses. To spread knowledge of the history of microbiology in Latin American countries and in Spain, the journal International Microbiology publishes on its back cover the photograph of a microbiologist who has been a pioneer in his country in some field of microbiology. A short biography of that person is included on page A2 of each issue. Below is a list of microbiologists presented between 2004 and 2009, and an International Microbiology article on ALAM.
This section is in charge of Mercè Piqueras and Ricardo Guerrero.