Dear colleagues and friends,
We invite you to visit the official page of our group.
Jesús López Romalde and Rafael Ruiz de la Haba
Board of Directors
Jesús López Romalde
Microbiology Department
Faculty of Biology
University of Santiago de Compostela
Campus Sur s / n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela
Faculty of Biology
University of Santiago de Compostela
Campus Sur s / n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela
Vice president
Cristina Sánchez-Porro Álvarez
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology
Pharmacy faculty
Sevilla University
C / Professor García González, 2, 41012 Seville
Pharmacy faculty
Sevilla University
C / Professor García González, 2, 41012 Seville
Margarita Gomila Ribas
Biology department
Faculty of Sciences
University of the Balearic Islands
Ctra. of Valldemossa, km 7.5. UIB Campus, 07122 Palma de Mallorca
Faculty of Sciences
University of the Balearic Islands
Ctra. of Valldemossa, km 7.5. UIB Campus, 07122 Palma de Mallorca
Margarita Aguilera Gomez
Microbiology Department
Pharmacy faculty
University of Granada
Cartuja Campus s / n, 18071 Granada
Pharmacy faculty
University of Granada
Cartuja Campus s / n, 18071 Granada
Ana Isabel Vela Alonso
Microbial Identification and Characterization Service
Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (VISAVET)
Complutense University of Madrid
Av. Puerta de Hierro s / n, 28040 Madrid
Veterinary Health Surveillance Center (VISAVET)
Complutense University of Madrid
Av. Puerta de Hierro s / n, 28040 Madrid
Martha Estela Trujillo Toledo
Department of Microbiology and Genetics
Pharmacy faculty
University of Salamanca
Departmental Building, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, 37007 Salamanca
Pharmacy faculty
University of Salamanca
Departmental Building, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, 37007 Salamanca
Updated September 2024
Abbot Lorenzo, Jose Pascual
Autonomous University of Madrid
Aguilera Gómez, Margarita
University of Granada
Albarral Avila, Vicenta
Barcelona University
Aldeguer Riquelme, Borja
University of Alicante
Álvarez Pérez, Sergio
Complutense University of Madrid
Amaro González, Carmen
University of Valencia
Amils Pibernat, Ricardo
Autonomous University of Madrid
Antón Botella, Josefa
University of Alicante
Balboa Méndez, Sabela
University of Santiago de Compostela
Barja Pérez, Juan Luis
University of Santiago de Compostela
Barrio Esparducer, Eladio
University of Valencia
Baston Paz, Natalia
Ramón y Cajal Institute for Health Research
Béjar Luque, Mª Victoria
University of Granada
Benito Santano, Patricia
University of Salamanca
Blasco Birlanga, Victor
University of Alicante
Bosch Zaragoza, Rafael
University of the Balearic Islands
Buján Gómez, Naomi
University of Santiago de Compostela
Bustos Caparrós, Esteban
University of the Balearic Islands
Caminero Fernandez, Alberto
McMaster University
Cano Jiménez, River
University of the Balearic Islands
Cañellas Cifre, María
University of the Balearic Islands
Carmona Salido, Hector
University of Valencia
Carrasco Diaz, Maria Gema
Carlos III Health Institute
Carrillo Bautista, Miryam
University of Alicante
Carro Garcia, Lorena
University of Salamanca
Pamela Jael
University of the Balearic Islands
Conde Alvarez, Raquel
university of Navarra
Congregate Córdoba, Francisco
Barcelona University
Patiño Cup, José Luis
University of Alcalá
Corral Villa, Paulina
University of Naples Federico II
Correa Delgado, Raquel
CSIC-INIA, Canary Islands
of the Rios Murillo, Asunción
from Moral García, Ana Isabel
University of Granada
Duran Viseras, Ana
Sevilla University
Dzunkova, Maria
University of Valencia
Erena Ortega, Carmen
Complutense University of Madrid
Escolano Sánchez, Jordi
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Escolano Vico, Aitana
University of Alicante
Esteban Sanchez, Lorraine
Autonomous University of Madrid
Esteve Sánchez, Consuelo
University of Valencia
Estévez Toranzo, Alicia
University of Santiago de Compostela
Estrella González, Mª José
University of Almeria
Farfán Sellarés, Maribel
Barcelona University
Fernandez Castillo, Rosario
Sevilla University
Fernández González, Ana Beatriz
Bioinsectis, S.L.
Fernandez Morales, Ana
Cadiz University
Figueras Salvat, Mª José
Rovira i Virgili University
Fusté Munné, Mª Carmen
Barcelona University
Gabaldón Estevan, Toni
Biomedical Research Institute
Galisteo Gómez, Cristina
University of Leon
Gangloff, Valentin
University of Alicante
Garcia Roldan, Alicia
Sevilla University
García-Valdés Pukkuit, Elena
University of the Balearic Islands
Gene Díaz, Josepa
Rovira i Virgili University
Gil Garcia, Rosario
University of Valencia
A bunch of Ribas, Margarita
University of the Balearic Islands
Gonzalez Candelas, Fernando
University of Valencia
González Menéndez, Victor Manuel
MEDINA Foundation
Jiménez Lalana, Diego Esteban
CSIC-CNB, Madrid
La Mura Arroyo, Alexandra
University of Valencia
Lalucat Jo, Jorge
University of the Balearic Islands
Lasa González, Aide
University of Santiago de Compostela
Leon Leon, Mª José
Sevilla University
Levican Asenjo, Arturo Alberto
Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso
Llamas Company, Immaculate
University of Granada
López Diéguez, Ana Belén
University of Santiago de Compostela
Lopez Moreno, Ana
University of Granada
López Romalde, Jesús
University of Santiago de Compostela
Lorén Egea, José Gaspar
Barcelona University
Lucena Reyes, Teresa
CECT-University of Valencia
Luque Aguilera, Grace
University of Granada
Macián Rovira, Mª Carmen
CECT-University of Valencia
Martín Cuadrado, Ana Belén
University of Alicante
Martinez Lozano, Jose Manuel
Autonomous University of Madrid
Martínez Rodríguez, Pablo
University of Granada
Martínez-Checa Barrero, Fernando José
University of Granada
Martorell Borras, Sergi
University of the Balearic Islands
Miñana Galbis, David
Barcelona University
Monera Monera, Arturo
Biomolecular Technologies, S.L.
Monteoliva Sánchez, Mercedes
University of Granada
Montero Calasanz, María del Carmen
Andalusian Institute for Agricultural, Fishing, Food and Organic Production Research and Training (IFAPA)
Montesinos Seguí, Emilio
University of Girona
Moreno Rodriguez, Maria Alejandra
University of Granada
Morillo Pérez, José Antonio
CSIC-Arid Zones Experimental Station, Almería
Mulet Pol, Mary Magdalene
University of the Balearic Islands
Muñoz Payá, Jorge
University of Granada
Navarro Nieva, María Azahara
University of Granada
Nogales Fernandez, Balbina
University of the Balearic Islands
Ortega Morente, Elena
Jaen University
Ortiz Sandoval, Pilar
University of Granada
Ortúzar Turza, Maite
University of Salamanca
Pascual Martínez, Francisco Javier
Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence S.L.
Pérez Ferrer, Pedro Antonio
University of California, Merced
Pérez Nieto, Mª Teresa
University of Vigo
Prieto Fernandez, Maria Angeles
CSIC-Misión Biológica de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela
Pujalte Domarco, Mª Jesus
University of Valencia
Quesada Arroquia, Emilia
University of Granada
Ramos Cormenzana, Alberto
University of Granada
Riesco Jarrín, Raúl
University of Salamanca
Rius Bofill, Nuria
Barcelona University
Rivas González, Raúl
University of Salamanca
Rodríguez Ferri, Elías Fernando
University of Leon
Rodriguez Iglesias, Manuel
Cadiz University
Rodríguez Osorio, Carlos
University of Santiago de Compostela
Rodriguez Valera, Francisco
Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Rosselló Mora, Ramón
University of the Balearic Islands
Ruiz Arahal, David
University of Valencia
Ruiz de la Haba, Rafael
Sevilla University
Ruiz Rodriguez, Alice
University of Granada
Ruvira Garrígues, Mª Desamparados
CECT-University of Valencia
Clock Santa Maria, James
University of Salamanca
Save Serra, Francisco
University of Gothenburg
Sánchez Busó, Leonor
Higher Center for Public Health Research, Valencia
Sanchez Martinez, Rodrigo
University of Alicante
Sánchez-Porro Álvarez, Cristina
Sevilla University
Santos Sánchez, Fernando
University of Alicante
Sastoque Martinez, Angie Paola
Rovira i Virgili University
Follow Crespi, Guillem
University of the Balearic Islands
Serpa Laco, Jose Maria
University of the Balearic Islands
Soliveri de Carranza, Juan
University of Alcalá
Stchigel Glikman, Alberto Miguel
Rovira i Virgili University
Strakova, Dasa
Sevilla University
Suescun Sepulveda, Jhon Alexander
University of Salamanca
Torrella Mateu, Francisco
University of Murcia
Torres Garcia, Daniel
Rovira i Virgili University
Trujillo Toledo, Martha Estela
University of Salamanca
Vadillo Machota, Santiago
University of Extremadura
Valdezate Ramos, Silvia
Carlos III Health Institute
Valle Manzano, Jorge
University of Extremadura
Van Dillewijn, Pieter
CSIC-Zaidín Experimental Station, Granada
Vela Alonso, Ana Isabel
Complutense University of Madrid
Sucker Ucero, Antonio
Sevilla University
Vera Gargallo, Blanca
Sevilla University
Vicente Pedrós, Eduardo
University of Valencia
Zlatkovic, Slobodan
Agency for giving ecological advices "Akvatorija", Serbia
Research centers and groups
Cultivation collections
CECT: Spanish Collection of Type Crops |
Suggestions and comments
Rafael Ruiz de la Haba
Department of Microbiology and Parasitology
Pharmacy faculty
Sevilla University
C / Professor García González, 2
41012 Sevilla
XX Meeting of Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity
Salamanca, September 26 - 28, 2024
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Genetics of the University of Salamanca.
- Web page:
XXIX SEM Microbiology Congress
Burgos, June 25 - 28, 2023
- Organized by David Rodríguez Lázaro (University of Burgos).
- Simposio "Microorganismos y Evolución":
"Aplicación de la taxonomía de plásmidos al análisis de la propagación de Salmonella typhi XDR", Fernando de la Cruz.
"Asociación entre la evolución de genes del sistema inmune humano y la Peste Negra (1347-1352)", Javier Pizarro-Cerdá.
"Complejidad celular de un Asgardarquea y su posible relación con el origen de los eucariotas", Rafael I. Ponce-Toledo.
"La dependencia de la vitamina B12 del hospedador ha modelado la evolución de las bacterias causantes de la tuberculosis", Jesús Gonzalo-Asensio. - Oral communications session of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity Group:
“Characterization of the aerobiome in a hospital environment and evaluation of the effect of natural ventilation”, Andrés Núñez Hernández.
“Biotechnological potential of Blastococcus (Actinobacteria) in arid agro-ecosystems”, María Del Carmen Montero Calasanz.
“Prokaryotic diversity (in)independent of cultivation in hypersaline soils of the Odiel marshes”, Cristina Galisteo.
“Desert microbial diversity: a potential to explore”, Esther Menéndez.
“Analysis of the intragenomic variability of ribosomal genes to improve the differentiation of species of Vibrio”, Amaia Leunda-Esnaola.
“Isolation of the culturable bacteriome of Lupus narrowfolius”, Jhon Alexander Suescun.
“Bacterial diversity in clinical environments: reservoir of new multiresistant pathogens?”, J José Laço.
“Non-photosynthetic cyanobacteria in the water cycle: from the subsoil to the intestine”, Valentin Gangloff. - Social events: Welcome drink. Visit to the Cathedral of Burgos. Visit to the excavations in the Sierra de Atapuerca. Closing Dinner.
- Web page:
XIX Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity
Puerto de Sóller, October 13 - 15, 2022
- Organized by the Department of Biology of the University of the Balearic Islands.
- Conferencia inaugural "El género Pseudomonas como modelo en taxonomía bacteriana: fenotipo y genotipo", Jorge Lalucat.
- Conferencia de clausura "Deciphering genomes: Comparative genomic analysis of legume associated Micromonospora", Raúl Riesco Jarrín (Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral del grupo de Taxonomía, Filogenia y Diversidad, bienio 2020-2021).
- Awards:
ASM (American Society for Microbiology), Ibai Cano Jimenez.
IJSEM, Alan Omar Granados-Casas.
Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity Group, Pilar Órtiz Sandoval, Cristina Galisteo Gómez.
Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity group, biennium 2020-2021, Raúl Riesco Jarrín.
Second prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity group, biennium 2020-2021, Gema Carrasco Díaz. - Social events: Welcome reception. Tram to Sóller and guided tour of the city. Closing dinner at the Guía restaurant. Cultural outing to Torrente de Pareis.
- Web page:
XXVIII Congress of SEM Microbiology
Virtual, June 28 - July 2, 2021
- Organized by the SEM Board of Directors.
- Simposio "Taxonomía, Filogenia y Diversidad":
"¿Existe la comunicación cruzada entre el endosimbionte Blattabacterium y la microbiota intestinal en la cucaracha alemana?", Rebeca Domínguez-Santos.
"El tiempo de contacto con las madres es un factor clave en el desarrollo de la microbiota nasal de lechones", Pau Obregon.
"Aislamiento de bacterias halófilas y halotolerantes en el Valle Salado de Añana (Álava)", Ilargi Martinez Ballesteros.
"El DNA disuelto como fuente de información sobre la dinámica microbiana", Borja Aldeguer Riquelme.
"Disbiosis ecológica como factor etiológico de la caries: cambios del microbioma y metaboloma en un modelo in vitro supragingival", Ángela Velapatiño Gamarra.
"¿Qué es una “cepa” y cuántas de la misma especie coexistirían en un sistema natural?", Tomeu Viver.
"Diversidad y filogenia de levaduras negras (Chaetothyriales) en sedimentos fluviales de Cataluña", Daniel Torres-García.
"Estudio de la microbiota xilemática de Wine vine in infected and uninfected plants Xylella fastidiosa por MALDI-TOF MS", Antonio Busquets Bisbal. - Simposio "Diversidad Microbiana":
"Metagenómica de una salina ancestral: monitorización de los cambios de las comunidades microbianas desde el subsuelo hasta la superficie", Maria Dolores Ramos Barbero.
"Distribución ecológica e importancia funcional de familias génicas inferidas a partir de datos metagenómicos", Álvaro Rodríguez del Río.
"Toxicomicrobiómica, rol metabólico de los taxones de la microbiota intestinal humana y las disbiosis o enfermedades metabólicas", Margarita Aguilera. - Web page:
XVIII Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity
Puerto de Sóller, October 21 - 23, 2020 (virtual)
- Organized by the Department of Biology of the University of the Balearic Islands.
- Conferencia inaugural "Realistic operational concept for the delineation of bacterial genera", Stefanus Venter.
- Conferencia invitada "If species classification is based on molecular parameters (genes and genomes), why cannot genome sequence be considered as type material?", Ramón Rosselló-Mora.
- Conferencia invitada "Analysing DNA and proteins for microbial taxonomy and diagnostics of infectious diseases", Edward R. B. Moore.
- Conferencia de clausura "Inducción de la diversidad metabólica en hongos endófitos asociados a plantas áridas de Andalucía", Víctor González Menéndez (Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral del grupo de Taxonomía, Filogenia y Diversidad, bienio 2018-2019).
- Awards:
ASM (American Society for Microbiology), Guillem Seguí Crespi.
IJSEM, Tomeu Viver Pisa.
Refund of the registration fee, Dáša Straková, Francisca Font Verdera, Ana López Moreno.
Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity group, 2018-2019 biennium, Víctor González Menéndez.
Second prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity group, 2018-2019 biennium, Noemí Buján Gómez. - Web page:
XXVII Congress of Microbiology SEM
Malaga, July 2 - 5, 2019
- Organized by Juan José Borrego (University of Malaga).
- Simposio "Taxonomía y Sistemática en la era post-genómica" (Grupo de Taxonomía, Filogenia y Diversidad):
"¿Sería posible reconciliar una taxonomía de lo cultivado con una de lo no cultivable?", Ramón Roselló-Mora.
"Los centros de recursos microbianos como actores clave", David R. Arahal.
"Synergistic cultivation-independent and -dependent studies in terrestrial geothermal springs", Brian P. Hedlund.
"Analysis of 100s of metagenomes shows that bacterial species exist", Kostas Konstantinidis. - Oral communications session of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity Group:
"Analysis of the biological diversity in air at different heights by next-generation sequencing", Beatriz Sánchez-Parra.
"Diversidad microbiana en el Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel", Ángeles Aguilera.
"Análisis genómico comparativo y taxonómico del género Halonotius", Ana Durán-Viseras.
"Shimia thalassica sp. nov., Shimia gijangensis comb. nov. y Cognatishimia activa comb. nov., new taxa in Rhodobacteraceae", Alexandra La Mura.
"Descripción de Rahnella galaica sp. nov., & Rahnella conchicola sp. nov., two new species of the genus Rahnella aisladas de almeja fina y japónica en Galicia", Diego Gerpe.
"Análisis filogenómico de la especie Xylella fastidiosa", Guillem Seguí.
"Evolution towards pathogenicity: comparative analysis between Brucella and a recently isolated Pseudochrobactrum", Maite Loperena.
"Los peligros del mal uso de las nuevas tecnologías en taxonomía", Lorena Carro. - Social events: Welcome drink at the Botanical Garden of the University of Malaga. Closing Dinner at the La Concepción Historic Botanical Garden.
XVII Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity and
XII Meeting of Microbiology of the Aquatic Environment
Sitges, 1 - 2 October 2018
- Organized by the Department of Biology, Health and the Environment of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences and the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona.
- Conferencia inaugural "Fenotipo y Taxonomía Genómica", María Jesús Pujalte Domarco.
- Conferencia de clausura "Estudio comparativo de la microbiota asociada a vieira (Pecten maximus) en diferentes sitemas de cultivo intensivo en criadero", Ana Belén López Diéguez (Premio a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral del grupo MMA, bienio 2016-2017).
- Awards:
Biodiversity Session, Aide Lasa González.
Taxonomy Session, Ana Durán Viseras.
Session of Phylogeny and Evolution, Rubén Barcia Cruz.
Session on Contamination of the Aquatic Environment, Albert Blanco Ortiz.
Session on Pollution of the Aquatic Environment: New Methodologies, Alba Pérez Cataluña.
Aquaculture Species Pathology Session, Rocío Leiva Rebollo. - Social events: Welcome drink. Guided visit to the Maricel and Cau Ferrat museums. Closing dinner at the Villa Marina restaurant.
- Web page:
7th Congress of European Microbiologists FEMS y
XXVI SEM Microbiology Congress
Valencia, July 9 - 13, 2017
- Organized by Antonio Ventosa (University of Seville) and Rosa Aznar (University of Valencia).
- Simposio "Marine Microbiology" (Sociedad Española de Microbiología):
"Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies of the microbial communities associated to cultured clams",
Jesús López Romalde. - Social events: Welcome reception.
- Web page:
XVI Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity
Santiago de Compostela, June 8 - 10, 2016
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Conferencia inaugural "Taxonomía y biodiversidad del fitoplancton marino gallego, con especial relevancia a las especies productoras de biotoxinas", Yolanda Pazos.
- Invited conferences:
"ASM Workshop: Art of Science Communication", María José Figueras.
"Taxonomía microbiana y seguridad alimentaria", Margarita Aguilera. - Sesión especial "Young Minds": "Estudio de microorganismos del Reino Protista en muestras de agua dulce", alumnos de Biología de primero de bachillerato.
- Social events: Welcome reception. Closing dinner at the San Francisco convent from the 18th century.
- Web page:
XXV SEM Microbiology Congress
Logroño, July 7 - 10, 2015
- Organized by the Center for Applied and Multidisciplinary Research on Wine and Agri-food of the University of La Rioja (CIVA), the Department of Agriculture and Food (UR) and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences (CSIC-UR- CAR).
- Simposio "The utility of –omics technologies on microbial taxonomy, diversity and adaptive evolution studies" (Grupo de Taxonomía,
Phylogeny and Diversity):
"Taxogenomics of prokaryotes",
David Ruiz Arahal.
"From population genomics to phylogenomics of Legionella pneumophila",
Fernando González-Candelas.
"The theoretical and real potential of -omics: enzyme discovery and human gut as cases of investigation",
Manuel Ferrer.
"Evolution of the tuberculosis bacillus: from millennia to minutes",
Iñaki Comas.
"Insights into Haemophilus influenzae pathogenesis through natural transformation and experimental genomics",
Joshua Mell.
"Metagenomics and conventional methods, a bidirectional route for gathering new information. The case of Arcobacter in wastewater",
María José Figueras.
"Proteogenomics of aromatic hydrocarbon degradation in marine roseobacters",
Balbina Nogales.
"Detecting human sewage contamination in urban waters",
Sandra McLellan. - Social events: Guided tour of the city of Logroño. Visit to the winery. Closing dinner at the winery.
- Web page:
XV Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity
Alcalá de Henares, July 3-4, 2014
- Organized by the Department of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of the University of Alcalá.
- Conferencia inaugural "La identificación de bacterias patógenas en humanos: usuales atípicas, inusuales, emergentes y nuevas especies", Juan Antonio Sáez Nieto.
- Invited conferences:
"Research into the use of soil microbial characterisation in forensic case work: MISAFE an EU funded collaborative research Project", José Carlos Cordero Pére.
"Metagenómica de virus en ecosistemas polares y en la cavidad oral humana", Alberto López-Bueno. - Social events: Welcome reception at La Cúpula Restaurant. Guided visit to the University of Alcalá and the old town of Alcalá de Henares. Closing dinner at the Parador Nacional de Turismo. Excursion to the nearby city of Sigüenza.
- Web page:
XXIV SEM Microbiology Congress
L'Hospitalet, 10 - 13 July 2013
- Organized by the Campus of Health Sciences of
Bellvitge-University of Barcelona. - Simposio "Carl Woese: Evolución de los procariotas" (Grupo de Taxonomía,
Phylogeny and Diversity):
"Blattabacterias: variabilidad genética vs. stasis metabólica",
Eugenio Belda.
"Nuevas aproximaciones al estudio de comunidades microbianas",
Pedro Belda.
"Los verdaderos grupos taxonómicos de los hábitats hipersalinos",
Nahid Oueriaghlil.
"Diversidad clonal en poblaciones procariotas concurrentes", Ana
Belén Martín. - Social events: Welcome reception in the historic building
from the University of Barcelona. Spanish guitar concert (Javier
Garcia Moreno). Dinner of
closing at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. - Web page:
XIV Meeting on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Microbial Diversity
Granada, May 10 - 12, 2012
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology of the
Pharmacy faculty. University of Granada. - Simposio inaugural "Algunos retos de hoy en la taxonomía clínica":
"Situación actual de la taxonomía de los hongos patógenos humanos", Ana Alastruey-Izquierdo.
"Problemas actuales en la identificación clínica de Streptococcus pneumoniae", Ernesto García López. - Simposio de clausura: "La diversidad microbiana como fuente de productos de interés médico e industrial"
"Incremento de la biodiversidad de actinobacterias marinas para el descubrimiento de nuevos antitumorales", Carmen Schleissner..
"Biodiversidad microbiana y diversidad química: una factoría inagotable de nuevas moléculas", Olga Genilloud.
"Metagenoma de la Península Ibérica: Diversidad microbiana y productos de valor añadido", Juan Luis Ramos. - Social events: Welcome cocktail at the Hotel Nazaríes. Closing dinner at El Jardín de Gomérez. Visit and lunch in the Alpujarra.
- Web page:
XXIII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Microbiology
Salamanca, July 11 - 14, 2011
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Genetics of the
Faculty of Biology. University of Salamanca. - Simposio "Avances recientes en taxonomia" (Grupo de Taxonomía,
Phylogeny and Diversity):
"The genes under our feet, metagenomics unveiled", James Tiedje.
"La familia Vibrionaceae: una actualización taxonómica", Mª
Jesus Pujalte.
"Diversidad de Actinobacterias presentes en edificios históricos de
Salamanca", Martha Trujillo.
"Géneros Flavobacterium and Chryseobacterium: aspects
taxonómicos y su papel como patógenos de peces", Ana Isabel Vela. - Social events: Welcome reception in the school yard
Minors Harp and piano concert. Guided tour of the city. Dinner of
closure (Hotel Alameda Palace). - Web page:
XIII Meeting on Microbial Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity
Sevilla, 13 - 15 May 2010
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Sevilla University.
- Special participation of members of the Editorial Board and Trustees of Bergey´s Manual Trust and the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM).
- Conferences:
"A strategy for bioprospecting: informed by actinobacterial systematics", Dr. Michael Goodfellow.
"Bergey's Manual Trust during the development of prokaryotic systematics in the 20th Century", Dr. William B. Whitman.
"The characterization of bacterial strains for taxonomic purposes - some thoughts on a polyphasic versus a genomic approach", Dr. Peter Kämpfer.
"Introduction and discussion of peptidoglycan type, 16S rRNA gene sequence and DNA-DNA hybridization", Dr. Karl-Heinz Schleifer.
"Multi Locus Sequence Analysis: towards a more robust bacterial taxonomy?", Dr. Paul de Vos.
"Polyamine patterns in the context of polyphasic classification of bacteria", Dr. Hans-Jürgen Busse. - Social events: Welcome cocktail (hotel terrace). Gala dinner (Hotel Alfonso XIII). Visit to the González – Byass wineries, Jerez de la Frontera.
- Web page:
XII Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
Tarragona, 2 - 4 June 2008
- Organized by the Microbiology Unit of the Department of Basic Medical Sciences. Rovira i Virgili University.
- Conferences:
"Taxonomía, taxónomos y algunas consideraciones sobre la enseñanza de la taxonomía" por Prof. Francisco Ruiz Berraquero.
"Filogenia del género Aeromonas basada en un análisis multigénico (MLST)" por Dr. Antonio Martínez-Murcia.
"Comparación genómica de dos ecotipos de la gamma-proteobacteria marina Alteromonas macleodii" por Prof. Francisco Rodríguez-Valera. - Tribute to Professor Alberto Ramos Cormenzana, presentation by Prof. Francisco Congregado Córdoba.
- Social events: Reception (Rovira i Virgili University) in the rectory building. Guided tour of Roman Tarragona. Closing Dinner.
XI Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
Malaga, June 14 - 16, 2006
- Organized by the University of Granada and the University of Malaga.
- Conferences:
"Técnicas convencionales para la determinación de microorganismos probióticos" por Dra. M. E. Fátima Nader-Macías.
"Identificació in situ de microorganismos patógenos de peces" por Dr. Juan L. Barja.
"Las colecciones de cultivo/centros de recursos biológicos y sus relaciones con la taxonomía, la biodiversidad y la industria" por Dra. Esperanza Garay Aubán y Dr. David Ruiz Arahal. - Reunión de la asociació benéfico-docente "Profesor Vicente Callao".
- Social events: Welcome reception at the Hotel Rincón Sol. Closing dinner. Guided visit to the Picasso Museum and the Alcazaba of Malaga.
X Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
Almería, September 30 and October 1 - 2, 2002
- Organized by the Microbiology Area of the Department of Applied Biology. University of Almería.
- Round tables:
"Tendencias actuales en clasificación microbiana", moderador Prof. Alberto Ramos Cormenzana.
"Nuevos métodos para identificación microbiana", moderador Dr. Jesús López Romalde. - Social events: Cocktail at the Club de Mar. Visit to the Cabo de Gata Natural Park and lunch.
IX Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
Alicante, September 24 - 27, 2000
- Organized by the Department of Plant Production and Microbiology. Miguel Hernández University.
- Conference:
"Microbial Diversity research - Current status and future perspectives" por Dr. Gerard Muyzer. - Colloquium:
"Do we really need to cultivate all microorganisms?", moderador Dr. Ramón Rosselló-Mora. - Social events: Reception (Alicante Town Hall) in the castle of Santa Bárbara. Closing Dinner.
VIII Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
Palma de Mallorca, 1 - 3 October 1998
- Organized by the Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences. University of the Balearic Islands.
- Conferences:
"Microorganismos halófilos: diez años después de Troya" por Prof. Alberto Ramos Cormenzana.
"Entorno al concepto de especie bacteriana" por Dr. Ramón Rosselló-Mora.
"Estructura genética de las poblaciones bacterianas: ¿clonalidad o panmixia?" por Dra. Mª Carmen Fusté. - Social events: Reception (Palma Town Hall) at Bellver Castle. Reception (Calvià Town Hall). Food offered by the University of the Balearic Islands.
VII Meeting of the Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and
Bacterial Biodiversity of SEM
La Rábida, May 31 and June 1 - 2, 1996
- Organized by the International University of Andalusia.
- Conferences:
"Biodiversity of sulfur metabolism in prokaryotes" por Prof. H. G. Trüper
"Anticuerpos, macromoléculas y evolución celular" por Prof. A. Lazcano - Social events: Reception (Diputación de Huelva) at the Carabelas dock and visit. Reception (City Hall of Huelva) at the house of Colón. Excursion to the mining area of Río Tinto with a visit to the mining museum, the Corta Atalaya and the Bella Vista neighborhood. Excursion on the mining train along the Tinto river and visit the old English mining facilities. Visit to the Columbian places of Palos and reception at the Mayor's Office.
VI Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Valencia, 1994
V Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Santiago de Compostela, 13-14 September 1992
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Symposia:
"Approaches to the taxonomy of Gram-positive bacterial fish pathogens" por Dr. Brian Austin.
"Taxonomy of the fish pathogenic bacteria belonging to the Flavobacterium - Cytophaga group" por Dr Jean-François Bernardet.
"Diferenciación de cepas ambientales del género Vibrio por tests bioquímicos y secuenciación del 16S DNA" por Drs. J. Martínez-Picado, J. Jofre y A. Blanch.
"Taxonomía de las bacterias heterótrofas asociadas a bivalvos cultivados en la costa valenciana" por Drs. M. J. Pujalte, M. Ortigosa y E. Garay. - Social events: Closing dinner.
IV Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Murcia, June 8 - 9, 1990
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Murcia.
- Symposia:
"Diversidad bacteriana en medios acuáticos: forma y función", moderadores Alberto Ramos y Francisco Torrella. "The morphological diversity in the aquatic microbiol world with emphasis on prosthecate bacteria: 37 years as a microbe hunter" por Dr. P. Hirsch.
"Colecciones de cultivo tipo, estabilidad genética de microorganismos y biotecnología", moderadores Francisco Ruíz Berraquero y Federico Uruburu. "Culture collections and the preservation of genetic characteristics of bacteria, with emphasis on pathogenic bacteria" por Dr. L. R. Hill. - Conferences:
"The gas vacuoles of aquatic microbes: diversity and evolution" por Dr. A. E. Walsby.
"The prochlorales: a borderline group of prokaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms" por T. Burger-Wiersma.
"Diversidad de ultramicrobacterias en el plankton de aguas salinas" por Dr. Francisco Torrella.
"Preservation and storage of biotechnologically important microorganisms" por Dr. K. A. Malik.
"Estabilidad de plásmidos recombinantes en E. coli: un caso específico de dinámica génica en procariotas" por Dr. M. Vicente.
"Aspectos legales y futuro de las colecciones de cultivo en biotecnología" por Prof. Federico Uruburu. - Social events: Visit to Cartagena and surroundings. Closing Dinner.
III Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Madrid, September 22 - 23, 1988
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Conferences:
"Molecular approach to the systematics of streptococci and related organisms" por Dr. K. H. Schleifer
"Intergeneric relationships between gram positive bacteria rod shaped with low G+C content in the DNA"
"Taxonomía de familia Pasteurellaceae (Pasteurella, Haemophilus, Actinobacillus) by Dr. E. F. Rodríguez Ferri
"Chemical methods in the systematic of bacteria" por Dr. R. M. Kroppenstedt - Round tables:
"Situación actual del antiguo grupo corinebacterias, con especial referencia a los nuevos géneros y especies patógenas" por D. Jones, E. F. Rodríguez y L. Domínguez.
"Tecnología de ácidos nucleicos" por K. H. Schleifer, G. Suárez, W. Ludwig, F. Freney y R. de la Fuente. - Social events: Reception at the Madrid City Council. Visit to the town of Pedraza with bullfighting fun. Closing Dinner.
II Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Barcelona, September 26 - 27, 1986
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona.
- Conference:
"Taxonomía de las bacterias fotosintéticas" por Prof. H. G. Trüper - Round table:
"Nuevas perspectivas en la sistemática de los procariotas" por J. Gaspar Lorén, J. Guinea, A. Ramos, M. Monteoliva-Sánchez, F. Fernández y H. G. Trüper. - Social events: Visit and reception at the Codorniu cellars in Sant Sadurní d´Anoia. Lunch in Sitges.
I Meeting of the Bacterial Taxonomy Group of the SEM
Granada, 28-29 September 1984
- Organized by the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada.
- Conferences:
N. J. Paleroni.
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