March 2023
Publications > NewsSEM > March 2023
Summary No. 172
02: XXIX Congress of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. David Rodriguez
03: Activities for Young Researchers at the XXIX Congress of the SEM. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM
04: Symposium in memory of Pepe Casadesús. Francisco Garcia
05: Electoral process for the partial renewal of the members of the Board of Directors of the Group of Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology of the SEM. Jose Antonio Gil
06: 8th Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi. European Federation of Biotechnology
0Ferrándiz MJ, Martín-Galiano AJ, Arnanz C, Camacho-Soguero I, Tirado-Vélez JM, de la Campa AG.: “MicroCycler: Proma” Prochloroccus marinus. The International Microbiology Literacy Initiative
08: "Microbiology in stamps". Nominees for Nobel Prizes (IV). Juan J. Borrego
09: "Micro Youth". We chatted with Guillem Coll García, youth ambassador for the American Society for Microbiology in Spain. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM
10: Biofilm of the month. Molokai. Manuel Sanchez
11: : “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar.