Summary No. 105
Page 02: Result of the voting for the renewal of the Board of Directors of the Aquatic Environment Microbiology Group. Dolores Castro
Page 03: Result of the voting for the renewal of the Board of Directors of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity Group. Cristina Sánchez-Porro
Page 04: VII Meeting of the Specialized Group on Plant Microbiology (MIP17). Pedro F. Mateos
Page 05: #microMOOCSEM is back: science on Twitter. Ignacio López-Goñi
Page 07: XXI Course of Initiation to Investigation in Microbiology. David R. Arahal
Pág. 09: International Course: Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe). P. Courvalin
Pág. 10: 10th International Conference on Predictive Modelling in Food. Rosa M. Garcia
Pág. 11: ICFMH Mobility Grants 2017. Sara Bover
Page 12: Ramón Areces Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarships
Pág.13: Microbiology in stamps I. Dr. Jaime Ferrán. Juan J. Borrego
Pág.15: Our Science. Genomic DNA analysis and determination of its packaging mechanism
of three new virulent Salmonella bacteriophages. Montserrat Llagostera
Pág.16: Micro Youth. Interview with David del Álamo, Scholarships Program Manager at EMBO. Group of young researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 18: Biofilm of the month. Red Planet (Red Planet). Manuel Sanchez
Page 19: Upcoming national and international congresses