Julio 2023
Publications > NewsSEM > Julio 2023
Summary No. 176
02: XXIX SEM Congress: a new meeting within our society. David Rodriguez
03: X Federico Uruburu Photography Award. Microbiology Teaching and Dissemination Group
04: Awards for the best communications at the XXIX SEM Congress. Spanish Society of Microbiology
05: The 3rd JISEM scientific mentoring session is consolidated with participation records. Samuel G. Huete and Ignacio Belda
06: Microbes in Burgos. Ignacio López-Goñi
0Ferrándiz MJ, Martín-Galiano AJ, Arnanz C, Camacho-Soguero I, Tirado-Vélez JM, de la Campa AG.: XXX Congress of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. Microbiology among olive groves. March 2022
08: Extreme microbiology. Tribute to Professor José Berenguer. Mario Mencía, José Ruiz and Luis Ángel Fernández
09: Science in the programs of political parties. COSCE organizes the pre-election debate “Without Science there is no Program”. Alicia prieto
10: Elections for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors of the Microbiology Teaching and Dissemination Group. Dolo Vidal
11: 28th Carmen and Severo Ochoa Award for Research in Molecular Biology 2023. Cesar de Haro
12: “MicroDefender: Broc” Brocardia: la bacteria annamox. The International Microbiology Literacy Initiative
Granting of 5 FEMS scholarships to young SEM researchers "Micro Youth". From the soil to the engines: the role of microorganisms in the production of bioethanol. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM
14: “Biofilm of the month”. Project Rampage (Rampage). Manuel Sanchez
15: : “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar.