News Group Biology of Pathogenic Microorganisms
Microbiology: exploring beyond the visible
Visit our exhibition at the MNCC As part of the celebrations of our 75th anniversary, the SEM is collaborating with the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) in the organization
Cycle Conferences and Round Tables at the MNCN in Madrid
On the occasion of our 75th anniversary, in collaboration with the National Museum of Natural Sciences and the CSIC, we have organized a Cycle of Conferences and Round Tables on Microbiology in
Online Master's Degree in Medical Mycology (UPV / EHU)
For years, the Spanish Association of Mycology (AEM) has considered the need to create a Master in Medical Mycology to fill the academic gap in this area of knowledge and thus
Inaugural Lecture: “Good and Not So Good Microorganisms” Ignacio López-Goñi (University of Navarra) Lecture: “Native Microbiota” Evaristo Suárez (University [
Within the plenary session dedicated to microbial pathogenesis, Josep Casadesús, professor at the University of Seville, spoke to us about the phenomenon of phenotypic heterogeneity in bacterial populations.
ACCESS to # CongresoSEM2021
Let's start !: from June 28 to July 2 # CongresoSEM2021 More than 900 participants. A total of 530 presentations. All of them oral (prerecorded): e-posters, flash presentations, lectures, plenary lectures, tables
Latest news: XXVIII SEM Congress 2021
XXVIII National Congress of Microbiology / June 28 - July 2, 2021 We are pleased to inform you that the virtual National Congress ( has had a fantastic reception, since
To stay up to date: NewsSEM of MAY 2021
Summary: "XXVIII National Congress of Microbiology (virtual)". Rafael Giraldo, Alicia Prieto, Victor J. Cid and Antonio Ventosa "Open and free publication in International Microbiology". José Berenguer “Alicia, a
Important information about the XXVIII National Congress of Microbiology (virtual), from June 28 to July 2, 2021. Scientific program, registration and submission of abstracts on the web
To stay up to date: NewsSEM of APRIL 2021
We have just published the number 151 of NoticiaSEM corresponding to the month of April 2021, with the latest news from our Company. Summary: “XXVIII National Congress of Microbiology (virtual). ( ”. Raphael
Official Journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
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