2010 December
Publications > SEM @ forum > December 2010

Summary No. 50
Editorial: "Microbiología en las dos orillas". Ricardo Guerrero
THESIS> June 2008
Especial "Microbiología de las aguas"
History of the Microbiology of the Aquatic Environment Group. Juan Iriberri, Albert Bosch and Juan J. Borrego
Microbial communities in natural aquatic systems. Itxaso Artolozaga, Begoña Ayo, Iñigo Azúa, Marian Unanue and Juan Iriberri
Molecular Microbial Ecology Group. Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona
Enteric viruses, UB. Albert Bosch Navarro and Rosa M. Pintó Solé
MARS Research Group. Department of Microbiology, University of Barcelona
Indicadores de contaminación microbiológica en agua. Taxonomía y epidemiología de los géneros "Aeromonas" y "Arcobacter". Maria Jose Figueras Salvat and Roxana Beaz Hidalgo
Microbiology of hypersaline aquatic environments. Antonio Ventosa
mollusc microbiota. Jesús López Romalde
Bacterial pathology in aquaculture. Alicia Estévez Toranzo
Salmonid viruses and DNA vaccines. Sylvia Rodríguez Saint-Jean and Sara Isabel Pérez Prieto
Viral Pathology in Aquaculture Group. Carlos P. Dopazo and Isabel Bandin
Aquatic animal pathogens of interest in public health and aquaculture. Carmen Amaro Gonzalez
Pathology of farmed aquaculture species. Dolores Castro