Dec 2016
Publications > SEM @ forum > December 2016

Summary No. 62
> June 2016 - Antonio Ventosa
SEM and FEMS promoters and collaborators in the development of microbiology - Concepcion Garcia Mendoza
The SEM and the CIB - Ernesto Garcia Lopez
The CECT among the European mBRCs that lead the management of microbial resources - Rosa Aznar Novella
XIII Congress of Mycology - Javier Jimenez
XI Meeting of the Specialized Group on Molecular Microbiology - Alicia M. Muro-Pastor, Francisco Ramos-Morales, Joaquín J. Nieto and Josep Casadesús
Congress of Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology - José A. Gil
XX National Congress of Food Microbiology - Carlos Alonso Calleja placeholder image
XVI Meeting of the Specialized Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity - Jesus L. Romalde
XX edition of the Microbiology Research Initiation Course - Magdalena Martinez Cane and Antonio Cobo Mills
FORBIDDEN NOT TO TOUCH: Microbiology at the XVI Week of Science, Technology and Innovation - ZientziaAstea UPV/EHU- Maite Orruño and Inés Arana
Our outgoing president: Mr. gentleman microbiologist - David Rodríguez Lazaro
Application of light pulses and reduction of the concentration of preservatives in foods of animal origin - Eva Hierro, Gonzalo García de Fernando, Xavier F. Hospital, Manuela Fernández
Starter cultures for traditional dairy and meat products - Francisco Javier Carballo García
non-yeastsSaccharomyces: a universe to explore - J.J. Mateo
PROBILAC GROUP: The commensal microbiota in the perinatal period and its application in infant feeding - Leonides Fernández Álvarez, Esther A. Jiménez Quintana, Irene Espinosa Martos, Virginia Martín Merino, Nivia Cárdenas Cárdenas, Susana Manzano Jiménez, Lorena Ruíz García, Diana Escuder Vieco, Rebeca Arroyo Rodríguez, Javier de Andrés Leo, Cristina García Carral, Irma Castro Navarro , Marina Aparicio Marlasca, Juan Miguel Rodríguez Gómez
removal of Listeria monocytogenes in boneless cured hams by applying accelerated electrons - ML Garcia, M. C. Cabeza, R. Velasco, M.I. Cambero, J.R. Lucas, M.D. selgas
Group "Functionality and Ecology of Beneficial Microorganisms" (MicroHealth) - Abelardo Margolles, Patricia Ruas-Madiedo, Borja Sánchez, Susana Delgado
Hygiene and Food Safety - Librada Jiménez, Elena Bermúdez, Alicia Rodríguez, Alejandro Galeano, Mariela Álvarez, Francisco Gómez, Mar Rodríguez, Félix Núñez, Juan J. Córdoba, Fernando Lobo, Lourdes Sánchez-Montero, María Jesús Andrade, Lucía da Cruz, Josué Delgado, Patricia Padilla , Belén Peromingo, Maria Victoria Bernáldez, Alberto Alía and Miguel A. Asensio
Enological Biotechnology Group of the Rovira i Virgili University - Albert Mas, Cristina Reguant, M. Jesús Torija, Gemma Beltrán, Braulio Esteve-Zarzoso, Isabel Araque, M. Carmen Portillo, Joaquín Bautista, Albert Bordons
New food processing technologies - Santiago Condon
Challenges of growing interest in Food Safety - Carlos Alonso Calleja and Rosa Capita Gonzalez
Food safety: the good, the bad and the ugly, from the UFC to the OTUs. - Martha Hernandez Perez
Functional Dairy Crops Group - Baltasar Mayo, Ana Belén Flórez, Lucía Guadamuro, Lucía Vázquez and Irene Ordóñez
Technology, quality and food safety - Antonia Picon