June 2015
Publications > SEM @ forum > June 2015
Summary No. 59
- Viruses and evolution in bacteria, plants and mammals SGM Awards 2015
- If the mountain does not go to Mohammed… Industry goes to the Academy
- International Symposium «Microbiology: transmission»
Mixing churras with merinos: human pathogens with fish pathogens - S. Remuzgo-Martínez, M. Lázaro-Díez, A. Franco González-de-Canales,
SPECIAL Teaching and dissemination of Microbiology
Microbiology Teaching and Dissemination Group - Montserrat Llagostera
Can microbiology classes be taught via Twitter? - Ignacio López Goñi
Mikrobios, Mundo Micro and Mikrosphera: scales of an initiatory journey in the dissemination of Microbiology - Guillermo Quindós
ZientziaAstea of the UPV / EHU: an opportunity to spread microbiology - Maite Orruño et al.
Keeping food in good condition is also a child's thing - Maximino Manzanera
Constant innovation in the teaching of Clinical Microbiology: History of a decade - Laura Benítez et al.
Experiences approaching microbiology for non-university students - Julia Carballo et al.
VIRTUAL EPIDEMIC: lose your fear of viruses and enjoy playing - Esperanza Gómez-Lucía et al.
Establishment of workshops on microbiological safety for public primary schools as master's thesis in the official master's degree "Advances in Food Safety" - Antonio Cobo Molinos et al.
Students (NOT?) must use the mobile during classes - Federico Navarro García et al.