Dec 2018
Publications > SEM @ forum > December 2018
Summary No. 66
- Similar, but not the same: what role do D-amino acids play in polymicrobial environments?
- Alexander Fleming: 70 years since his visit to Spain
- Microbiologists and philately (II). Recognition
- Agromicrobios thematic network (CYTED): “Use of regional biodiversity for the development and implementation of sustainable biofertilization practices in crops of agrifood importance in Ibero-America”
> December 2019
- I Symposium of the SWI@Spain Network: evolving to the MicroMundo project
- Microbiology and Society: Challenges. IV Meeting on Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology
- XXI National Congress of Food Microbiology
- Alicia Estévez Toranzo, won 2018 Wonenburger Prize
- The researcher Aurelio Serrano, elected member of the FEPS-ISOP international committee of Protistology Societies
- VIII European Congress of Protistology - ISOP Joint Meeting
- Specialized Group on Biodeterioration, Biodegradation and Bioremediation
- Bioengineering and Materials (BIO-MAT)
- Study of microorganisms that affect cultural heritage
- Sustainable use and management of soils and substrates enriched in trace elements through the use of plants and their associated microorganisms
- Microbial Ecology Group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Evaluation of laser treatments and biocides for the elimination of biological agents that induce biodeterioration
- Biodegradation of lignocellulose: a source of biocatalysts for a sustainable industry
- Microbiology and Environmental Technology Group (RNM270)
- Heritage and Environment: our research and achievements in Biodeterioration, Restoration, Bioremediation and Nanotechnology
- Anaerobic biodegradation of sludge and agri-food waste
- Biodeterioration and Bioremediation Group
- Methylmercury detoxifying marine bacteria: characterization by isolation and techniques –omics
- Environmental Biodegradation of Polymers and Pollutants Group
- Optimizing mixtures of protective biocides in Thor AMMETM film for tropical regions
Victor de Lorenzo. Tips for Young Microbiologists