October 2022
Publications > NewsSEM > October 2022
Summary No. 167
02: “In memoriam” César Nombela (1946-2022): Our teacher, leader, reference and friend. Maria Molina
03: The SEM signs agreements with Viajes El Corte Inglés -Congress Division and The Conversation. Antonio Ventosa
04: Elections for the partial renewal of the SEM Board of Directors. Alicia prieto
05: Jesús López Romalde recognized with the research medal “Ánxeles Alvariño González”. Alicia Estevez
06: 13TH International Congress on Extremophiles. José Berenguer
07: XIX TAXON. Meeting of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity Group. March 2022
08: Photographic Exhibition “The microbial world in 90 mm: bacteria, fungi and their interactions”. Ramón Santamaría and Carlos Vázquez
09: Research and Training Grants (FEMS)
10: MicroStar: Alca (Alcanivorax borkmensis). The International Microbiology Literacy Initiative
11: "Microbiology in stamps". XLI (V). Nobel Prize Winners (1994-2008). Juan J. Borrego
12: "Micro Youth". Tell me LUCA... To the other end of Eden (part II). Group of Young Researchers of the SEM
13: “Biofilm of the month”. La Cosa (The Thing). Manuel Sanchez
: “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar. Upcoming national and international conferences