Dec 2016
Publications > NewsSEM > December 2016
Summary No. 103
Page 02: Christmas greeting. Victor J. Cid
Page 05: Resolution of the SEM logo renewal contest. Juan A. Ayala
Page 06: Ramón Areces Foundation International Symposium: The origins of life and its search in the universe. Josefa Anton.
Page 07: XV Workshop "Rapid methods and automation in Food Microbiology". Josep Yuste and Marta Capellas
Page 08: Our Microscopic Stories arrive al XV Workshop "Rapid methods and automation in Food Microbiology". Montserrat Llagostera
Page 09: The Autonomous University of Madrid participates as a partner in the European CarbaZymes project, a pioneer in the search for a more ecological and efficient European chemical industry. Jose Berenguer and Aurelius Hidalgo
Page 11: Micro Joven. Early-career researchers changing the face of science publishing with eLife. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM- HIS NAME
Page 12: Biofilm del mes. Horton (Horton Hears a Who!). Manuel Sanchez
Page 13: Upcoming national and international conferences.