Summary No. 123
Page 02: A committed scientist. J. Gaspar Loren and Joan Jofre
Page 04: Elections for the partial renewal of the SEM Board of Directors. Juan A. Ayala
Page 05: Collaborate with JISEM. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 06: 45th Meeting of the FEMS Council in Warsaw (7-8 September 2018). Antonio Ventosa
Page 07: Meeting of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity and Microbiology of the Aquatic Environment groups. Mª Carmen Fusté, Rosa Mª Pinto, Rosa Mª Araujo and Mª Isabel Farfán
Page 08: 12th International Congress of Extremophiles. Extremophiles 2018. Juan M. Gonzalez
Page 09: International Microorganism Day 2018. Lisbon 17 de septiembre de 2018. Victor J. Cid
Page 10: II D+D SEM Photography Contest. Ines Arana
Page 11: XVII Workshop on rapid methods and automation in Food Microbiology (MRAMA). Marta Capellas and Josep Yuste
Page 13: Microbiology on stamps. X. Malaria (III). JJ Lamb and LJ Dove
Page 17: Micro Young. Review of the I Session of Scientific Dissemination of Young SEM researchers. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 19: biofilm of the month. We are what we are (We are what we are). Manuel Sanchez
Page 20: Upcoming national and international conferences