July 2014
Publications > NewsSEM > Julio 2014
Summary No. 77
Page 1: XVIII Microbiology Research Initiation Course (CIIM2014)
Page 3: Microbiology education in Europe: a small step for FEMS
Pag 5: Awarded by the Food Microbiology Group
Pag 6: 13th International Workshop on Opportunistic Protists (IWOP)
Page 7: 20th Carmen and Severo Ochoa Foundation Award
Page 8: Predoctoral scholarship offer (University of Alicante)
Page 9: Predoctoral scholarship offer (National Museum of Natural Sciences, CSIC, Madrid)
Pag 10: The "biofilm" of the month: "The origin of the planet of the apes" (Rise of the planet of the apes)
Page 12: Table of next congresses