January 2017
Publications > NewsSEM > January 2017
Summary No. 104
Page 02: Result of the voting for the renewal of the Board of Directors of the SEM. Juan A. Ayala
Page 03: Elections for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors of the Specialized Group on Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity of the SEM. . . . John A. Ayala
Page 04: Grants for Young Researchers from the SEM to attend the FEMS-SEM 2017-SEM Congress. Juan A. Ayala
Page 06: Conference cycle. Ramón Areces Foundation Neurodegenerative diseases. The challenge of the 21st century
Page 07: Lilly Foundation Awards for Biomedical Research 2017. Mª Yolanda Olga Martin
Pág. 08: ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course: “Improving the Diagnosis of Bloodstream Infections – Advancing Technology and Quality for Better Care”. Brigitte Lamy
Pág. 09: 15th Congress of The Mediterranean Phytophathological Union. Plant Health Sustaining Mediterranean EcosystemsSEM 2017. Antonio Di Pietro, Blanca B. Landa
P. 10: Postdoctoral Opportunity at the University of Haifa, IsraelEM Malka Halpern
Page 11: Youth Micro. Interview with Dr. Lorenzo Melchor, promoter of the Society of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom, SRUK/CERU. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 14: Biofilm of the month. Death in Venice (Morte a Venezia). Manuel Sanchez
Page 15: Upcoming national and international congresses