March 2021
Publications > NewsSEM > March 2021
Summary No. 150
- “XXVIII National Congress of Microbiology (virtual)”. Rafael Giraldo and Antonio Ventosa
- “Second Multidisciplinary Virtual National Congress on COVID-19 of the Scientific Societies of Spain”. Oscar Saragossa
- “Results of the elections for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Diversity Group”. Cristina Sanchez-Porro
- “Álvaro San Millán Cruz, Jaime Ferrán Award 2021”. Antonio Windy
- “MicroWorld Symposium 2021”. Victor J. Cid
- “Reflections on the tenth anniversary of the UAB Microbiology degree”. Jordi Barbé, Montserrat Llagostera, Maira Martínez
- “Virtual Keystone Symposia on Synthetic Biology”. Luis Angel Fernández
- “II Call for Awards for Novel Talent of the UFV-Merck Immunology Chair”. saints cross
- Microbe Hunters Book. Manuel Sanchez
- "Microbiology in stamps" XXX. The biggest pandemics in history: The “other” flus. JJ Sheep
- "Micro Joven". Abriendo caminos en la industria farmacéutica I. Samuel G. Huete y Sergio Bárcena
- “Biofilm of the month”. A Royal Affair (En kongelig affære). Manuel Sanchez
- "Upcoming congresses"