July 2017
Publications > NewsSEM > Julio 2017
Summary No. 110
Page 02: FEMS and SEM 2017: gaining in youth over the years. Ignacio Belda
Page 03: Concession of the VII Photography Prize "Federico Uruburu". Ines Arana
Page 04: 13th European Meeting on the Molecular Biology of the Pneumococcus (EuroPneumo 2017). Manuel Sanchez
Page 06: Workshop Small World Initiative and creation of the SWI@Spain network. Victor J. Cid
Page 09: 23rd Carmen and Severo Ochoa Award for research in Molecular Biology 2017
Page 10: Microbiology on stamps. SAW. Immunology (II). Juan J. Borrego
Page 14: Our Science. Vibrio toranzoniae, a newcomer that could constitute a good model for the study of bacterial pathogens of Marine organisms. Jesus L. Romalde and Sabela Balboa
Page 16: biofilm of the month. The Crazies. Manuel Sanchez
Page 17: Upcoming national and international conferences