December 2020
Publications > NewsSEM > December 2020
Summary No. 147
- Christmas greeting of the SEM 2020. Victor J. Cid
- Elections for the partial renewal of the Board of Directors of the SEM. Juan A. Ayala
- 75 years, 75 microorganisms. Asuncion de los Rios, Rafael Giraldo and Antonio Ventosa
- Request for material from previous congresses of the SEM. Antonio Ventosa and Alfonso V. Carrascosa
- Announcement of the IX Plant Microbiology Group Meeting. Emilia Lopez-Solanilla
- Microbiology Research Initiation Course in Albacete. Diego Moreno
- How to convince a person who doubts about vaccines? Ignacio López-Goñi
- Charla/Debate "La búsqueda de vacunas en tiempo de Pandemia". Jesus Gonzalo-Asensio
- Call Program for the support of talented researchers - Plan GenT. Ramon Penalver
- Postdotoral Research Fellow in Bacterial Virulence and AMR. Jose Vazquez-Boland
- Microbiology on stamps XIX. The biggest pandemics in history: COVID-19. The most mediatic pandemic. J.J. Borrego
- Micro Joven From crossing the ocean to building bridges between science and society. Interview with Pablo Rodriguez. Samuel G. Huete
- Biofilm of the month. Your friend the rat. Manuel Sanchez
- Upcoming national and international congresses.