Summary No. 146
Page 02: In memoriam of our dear colleague Isabel Esteve Martínez (1947-2020). Jordi Barbé; Nuria Gaju; Montserrat LLagostera; Maira Martinez
Page 03: COSCE - Report on the PEICTI 2021‐2023 draft presented by the Ministry of Science and Innovation
Page 04: The 2021 National Congress of Microbiology will be in virtual format. Antonio Ventosa
Page 04: Elections for the partial renewal of the SEM Board of Directors. Juan A. Ayala
Page 05: Microbiology Research Initiation Course in Albacete. Diego Moreno
Page 06: Report on the XVIII Meeting of the Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Biodiversity Group. Elena Garcia-Valdes, Margarita Gomila and Jorge Lalucat
Page 07: III Photo Contest in Microbiology. Group D+D SEM. Ines Arana
Page 08: Grant of Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Microbiology of the Aquatic Environment. Manuel we read
Page 09: The book “Big Farms, Big Flus”, Manuel Sanchez
Page 11: Announcement of the 1st Francisco Soria Melguizo Award
Page 13: Meeting Organizer Grants (FEMS)
Page 14: Postdoctoral fellowship in microbial community ecology. Carlos Pedrós-Alió
Page 15: Microbiology in XXVII. The biggest pandemics in history: Cholera (I). J. J. Borrego
Page 18: Young Micro Entrepreneurship from the University, experience of Carlos Caballero. Sergio Barcena and Samuel G. Huete
Page 19: Biofilm of the month 93 Days (93 Days), Manuel Sanchez
Page 20: Upcoming national and international conferences