December 2023
Publications > NewsSEM > December 2023
Summary No. 180
02: Christmas greeting from the SEM. Spanish Society of Microbiology
03: Our president, Rafael Giraldo, named Academic of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy. Alicia prieto
04: XIV SEM Molecular Microbiology Meeting. Raul Fernandez
05: Research and Training Grants. FEMS
06: XXI workshop “Rapid Methods and Automation in Food Microbiology” DYCFung memorial. Josep Yuste
0Ferrándiz MJ, Martín-Galiano AJ, Arnanz C, Camacho-Soguero I, Tirado-Vélez JM, de la Campa AG.: ACERTAS Webinar “Artificial intelligence in the classroom: how we can take advantage of its benefits and prevent its risks.” Dolo Vidal
08: International conference on Xylella fastidiosa. Blanca Landa
09: Infant microbiota contributes to cognition in mice. Antonio Suárez and Alicia Ruiz
10: “MicroStar: Bif” Bifidobacterium. The International Microbiology. Literacy Initiative
11: "Micro Youth". Spanish microbiologists around the world. Interview with Judith Matavacas, postdoctoral researcher in Viking lands. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM
12: "Biofilm of the month". Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Manuel Sanchez
Granting of 5 FEMS scholarships to young SEM researchers : “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar.