Summary No. 108
Page 02: Award of the SEM Medal of Honor to Francisco J. Martínez Mojica. Louis Montoliu
Page 03: Award of the Jaime Ferrán-2017 Prize to Felipe Cava. José Berenguer
Page 04: International Symposium: Río Tinto, fundamental and applied aspects of a terrestrial analog of Mars. Ricardo Amils
Page 05: XLVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine (SEMP) and 5th Annual Scientific Conference of the EAPM 2017. Esther Rodriguez
Page 06: Microbiology on stamps. IV. Beginning of Microbiology: Development of microscopy (II). Juan J. Borrego
Page 09: Our Science. Microbial communities and primary succession after glacial retreat in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Asuncion de los Ríos
Page 11: Micro Young. Boosting entrepreneurs. New engine of Spanish science. . Group of Young Researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 13: biofilm of the month. Season 3 Top Secret (The Satan Bug). Manuel Sanchez
Page 14: Upcoming national and international conferences