April 2020
Publications > NewsSEM > April 2020

Summary No. 140
Page 02: #laSEMrespondeCOVID19: the importance of reporting in times of uncertainty. Ignacio Belda
Page 03: COSCE. Statement on the role of science in resolving the Covid-19 pandemic
Page 04: Meeting Organizer Grants (FEMS)
Page 05: In Memory of Professor Arnold L. Demain. John Francis Martin
Page 07: Resolution of the "Fleming Prize 2020". Humberto Martin
Page 08: Postponement XV National Congress of Mycology. Humberto Martin
Page 09: Resolution of the II SEM Short Story Scientific-Literary Contest. Victor J. Cid
Page 10: Cancellation of the Initiation to Research Course-CINIM 2020. Diego A. Moreno
Page 11: Cancellation of the V National Meeting on Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology. Ines Arana
Page 11: Information XIII Meeting of the Molecular Microbiology Group of the SEM. Trinidad Gallegos
Page 12: 2nd Circular XXII National Congress of Food Microbiology. Magdalena M. Cañamero
Page 13: 13th International Congress on Extremophiles postponement. March 2022
Page 14: An informative video on how managing the interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods can help us improve agricultural production in a sustainable way. Ainoa Martinez-Medina, Leyre Fisherman, Maria J. Well
Page 15: Information about EUROmicroMOOC. Ignacio López-Goñi
Page 16: Micro Young. Science and politics, destined to understand each other? Interview with Noelia López. Group of Young Researchers of the SEM-JISEM
Page 19: Biofilm of the month. Resident Evil, the saga. Manuel Sanchez
Page 20: Upcoming national and international conferences