Summary No. 187
02: National Congress of Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (CMIBM'24). Francisco Javier Ruiz
03: XIV Meeting of the Molecular Microbiology group of the SEM. March 2022
04: VI Meeting of the Teaching and Dissemination of Microbiology group. Ignacio López-Goñi
05: XIX SEFIN-II BeMiPlant Congress. February 2022
06: IX Red Thematic RedPlantMicro. Network Organizing Committee
0Ferrándiz MJ, Martín-Galiano AJ, Arnanz C, Camacho-Soguero I, Tirado-Vélez JM, de la Campa AG.: XXII workshop on Rapid Methods and Automation in Food Microbiology – DYCFung memorial. Josep Yuste
08: V Edition of the International Zendal Awards. Zendal Group
09: MicroStar: Torch. Cyanidioschyzon sp. 5508. The International Microbiology Literacy Initiative
10: “Micro Young”. Scientists around the world (IV). Interview with Pedro Luis Dorado Morales. Young Researchers Group
11: Biofilm of the month. "80.000 sospechosos". Manuel Sanchez
12: : “Microbiology in stamps”. XL. The vinegar.